| Table of contents Rev. esp. enferm. dig. vol.98 n.7 Madrid Jul. 2006 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Laparoscopic management of gastric cancer Targarona, E. M.; Feliu, X.; Balagué, C.
| | | Original Papers | | | | · Laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma: Long-term results Ibáñez Aguirre, F. J.; Azagra, J. S.; Erro Azcárate, M. L.; Goergen, M.; Rico Selas, P.; Moreno Elola-Olaso, A.; Clemares de Lama, M.; Simone, P. de; Echenique Elizondo, M. M.
| | | | · Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in rosacea patients Boixeda de Miquel, D.; Vázquez Romero, M.; Vázquez Sequeiros, E.; Foruny Olcina, J. R.; Boixeda de Miquel, P.; López San Román, A.; Alemán Villanueva, S.; Martín de Argila de Prados, C.
| | | | · Extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn's disease: prevalence and related factors Repiso, A.; Alcántara, M.; Muñoz-Rosas, C.; Rodríguez-Merlo, R.; Pérez-Grueso, M. J.; Carrobles, J. M.; Martínez-Potenciano, J. L.
| | | | · Impact of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms on health resource usage and work absenteeism in Spain Rey, E.; Moreno Elola-Olaso, C.; Rodríguez Artalejo, F.; Díaz-Rubio, M.
| | | Points of View | | | | · Gastric angiogenesis and Helicobacter pylori infection Pousa, I. D.; Gisbert, J. P.
| | | | · Is the string test a useful alternative to gastroscopy with biopsy for H. pylori identification? Pozo García, A. J. del; Gisbert, J. P.
| | | Patient Information | | | | · Diarrhea caused by antibiotics Morales González, S.; Navazo Bermejo, L.
| | | Pictures in Digestive Pathology | | | | · Massive hepatic amyloidosis with fatal hepatic failure Ubiña Aznar, E.; Fernández Moreno, N.; Rivera Irigoin, R.; Moreno Mejías, P.; Fernández Pérez, F.; Vera Rivero, F.; Navarro Jarabo, J. M.; García Fernández, G.; Sola Earle, C. de; Pérez Aisa, A.; Sánchez Cantos, A.
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Acute pancreatitis and protein C deficiency caused by mesenteric venous thrombosis Lucendo Villarín, A. J.; Carrión Alonso, G.; Martín Chávarri, S.; Allona Krauel, M.; Prado Rodríguez, J. R.
| | | | · Blue rubber bled nevus syndrome diagnosed by capsule endoscopy Matas, J. L.; Asteinza, M.; Loscos, J. M.; Fernández, S.; Ramírez-Armengol, J. A.; Díaz-Rubio, M.
| | | | · Spontaneous pneumococcal peritonitis in a cirrhotic patient without respiratory focus López Vicente, J.; Pérez-Carreras, M.; López-Cerón, M.; Arribas, C.; Solís Herruzo, J. A.
| | | | · Biliary actinomicosis: A case report Polo Romero, F. J.; Gato Díez, A.
| | | | · Unusual complication of spider angiomas: hemorrhagic diathesis controlled with antihormonal therapy (tamoxifen) Calvo Hernández, R.; Erdozain Sosa, J. C.; Segura Cabral, J. M.
| | | | · Acute fulminant colitis caused by intestinal amebiasis Suárez Artacho, G.; Olano Acosta, M. C.; Vázquez Monchul, J.; Sousa Vaquero, J. M.; Socas Macías, M.; Mendoza García, E.
| | | Book Reviews | | | | · Tratado de trasplantes de órganos Solís Herruzo, J. A.
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