| Table of contents Rev. esp. enferm. dig. vol.99 n.9 Madrid Sep. 2007 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Bile secretion: At the crossroads of colorectal carcinogenesis Sánchez-Pernaute, A.
| | | Original Papers | | | | · Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid in an experimental colon cancer model Pérez-Holanda, S.; Rodrigo, L.; Viñas Salas, J.; Piñol Felis, C.
| | | | · Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the healthy population of Madrid (Spain) Sánchez Ceballos, F.; Taxonera Samsó, C.; García Alonso, M.; Alba López, C.; Sainz de los Terreros Soler, L.; Díaz-Rubio, M.
| | | | · Spigelian hernia: Mesh or not? Hsieh, H.F.; Chuang, C.H.; Lin, C.H.; Yu, J.C.; Hsieh, C.B.
| | | | · Clinical aspects and endoscopic management of gastrointestinal bleeding from Dieulafoy's lesion Ibañez, A.; Castro, E.; Fernández, E.; Baltar, R.; Vázquez, S.; Ulla, J. L.; Álvarez, V.; Soto, S.; Barrio, J.; Carpio, D.; Turnes, J.; Ledo, L.; Vázquez San Luis, J.; Vázquez Astray, E.
| | | | · Spanish translation, adaptation, and validation of the 32-item questionnaire on quality of life for inflammatory bowel disease (IBDQ-32) Masachs, M.; Casellas, F.; Malagelada, J. R.
| | | | · Ultrasound-guided biopsy of the pancreas: A multicenter study Garre Sánchez, M. C.; Rendón Unceta, P.; López Cano, A.; Gómez Rubio, M.; de Cuenca Morón, B.; Segura Cabral, J. M.; Crespo Sánchez, M.; Gil Grande, L. A.; Varas Lorenzo, M. J.; Just Timoneda, J.; Gómez Rodríguez, R.; Galcera Tomás, J.; Abraldes Bechiarelli, A.; Macías Rodríguez, M.; Muñoz Benvenuty, A.; Tejada Cabrera, M.; Olveira, A.; Palacios Lázaro, E.
| | | Point of View | | | | · Hepatobiliary manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease Solís Herruzo, J. A.; Solís-Muñoz, P.
| | | Pictures in Digestive Pathology | | | | · Intrahepatic arteriovenous fistula resulting from needle biopsy Méndez Sánchez, I. M.; Navarro Jarabo, J. M.; Ubiña Aznar, E.; Vera Rivero, F. M.; Rivera Irigoin, R.; Fernández Moreno, N.; Fernández Pérez, F.; García Fernández, G.; Pérez Aisa, A.; Albandea Moreno, C.; Aguilar Urbano, V. M.
| | | | · Gastric polyposis in FAP Paulos Gómez, A.; Ladra González, M. J.; Álvarez Seoane, R.; Balado Gómez, M.; Iglesias Corral, J.; Conde Freire, R.; Potel Lesquereux, J.
| | | Clinical Note | | | | · Retrorectal tumors: Excision by transanal endoscopic microsurgery Zoller, S.; Joos, A.; Dinter, D.; Back, W.; Horisberger, K.; Post, S.; Palma, P.
| | | Patient Information | | | | · Delta hepatitis Romero-Portales, M.; García-Samaniego Rey, J.
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Upper esophageal hemangioma succesfully treated by laser Sobrino, S.; Garrido, A.; López, T.; Santa-Cruz, T.; Belda, O.; Márquez, J. L.
| | | | · Jaundice caused by afferent loop volvulus following Billroth-II gastrectomy Pérez-Holanda, S.; Tojo, S.; Urdiales, G.; Fernández, P.; Fernández, J. A.; Calleja, M.; Fernández, F.; Rodríguez, J.; Martínez, D.; Valverde, D.
| | | | · Bilioenteric fistula from a penetrating duodenal ulcer Valdés Mas, M.; Vargas Acosta, A. M.; Salama Benarroch, H.; Carballo Álvarez, F.
| | | | · Large esophagic ulcer following doxycycline treatment Fernández, A.; González-Portela, C.; Vázquez, S.; Ruiz-Ochoa, V.; de la Iglesia, M.
| | | | · Obstructive jaundice secondary to pancreatic metastases of a soft-tissue sarcoma Álamo, J. M.; Pareja, F.; Gómez, M. A.; Alarcón, I.; Bernardos, C.; Barrera, L.; García, I.; Serrano, J.; Bernardos, A.
| | | | · Intestinal malrotation in adults and acute appendicitis Zarzosa Hernández, G.; Pacheco Martínez, P.; Fernández Escudero, B.; García Llorente, C.; Fernández Cebrián, J. M.; Loinaz Segurola, C.; Quintans Rodríguez, A.
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