| Table of contents Rev. esp. enferm. dig. vol.110 n.12 Madrid Dec. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Cholangioscopy: seeing to believe, seeing to know, seeing to cure Rodríguez-Muñoz, Sarbelio
| | | Original Papers | | | | · Single-operator cholangiopancreatoscopy in pancreatobiliary diseases: clinical experience in a tertiary referral hospital Pons-Beltrán, Vicente; Alonso-Lázaro, Noelia; Mansilla-Vivar, Rodrigo; Sáez-González, Esteban; Ponce-Romero, Marta; Argüello-Viudez, Lidia; Ramos-Soler, David; Pérez-Rojas, Judith; Leathers, James; Bustamante-Balen, Marco
| | | | · Appropriateness of the use of proton pump inhibitors in the Emergency Department of a Spanish university hospital Granero-Melcon, Beatriz; Morrás, Ignacio; Galán-DeJuana, Miguel; Abad-Santos, Francisco
| | | | · Colon lymphomas: an analysis of our experience over the last 23 years Martín-Domínguez, Verónica; Mendoza, Jorge; Díaz-Menéndez, Ariel; Adrados, Magdalena; Moreno-Monteagudo, José-A.; Santander, Cecilio
| | | | · Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas: clinicopathological features and long-term outcomes following a pancreatectomy Antoñanzas, Javier; Cienfuegos, Javier-A.; Hurtado-Pardo, Luis; Panadero, Pablo; Benito, Alberto; Pardo, Fernando; Rotellar, Fernando; Martí-Cruchaga, Pablo; Zozaya, Gabriel; Valentí, Víctor; Hernández-Lizoain, José-Luis
| | | | · The role of pancreatic juice cytology in the diagnosis of pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm Tag-Adeen, Mohammed; Ozawa, Eisuke; Ogihara, Kumi; Iwatsu, Shinichi; Akazawa, Yuko; Ohnita, Ken; Adachi, Tomohiko; Sumida, Yorihisa; Nakao, Kazuhiko
| | | | · Graft survival after liver transplantation: an approach to a new Spanish risk index Araiz-Burdio, Juan-José; Aulló, María-Trinidad Serrano; García-Gil, Agustín; Pascual-Bielsa, Ana; Lue, Alberto; Lorente-Pérez, Sara; Villanueva-Anadón, Beatriz; Suárez-Pinilla, Miguel-Ángel
| | | Review | | | | · High-resolution and high-definition anorectal manometry: rediscovering anorectal function Ciriza-de-los-Ríos, Constanza; Mínguez, Miguel; Remes-Troche, José-María; Lacima, Glòria
| | | Special Article | | | | · Consensus document on exclusion diets in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Casellas, Francesc; Burgos, Rosa; Marcos, Ascensión; Santos, Javier; Ciriza-de-los-Ríos, Constanza; García-Manzanares, Álvaro; Polanco, Isabel; Puy-Portillo, María; Villarino, Antonio; Lema-Marqués, Beatriz; Vázquez-Alférez, M.ª-del-Carmen
| | | Picture in Digestive Pathology | | | | · Treatment of gastric GIST using endoscopic techniques combined with the application of endoloop and intralesional cyanoacrylate in a non-surgical patient Mosquera-Klinger, Gabriel; de-la-Serna-Higuera, Carlos; Pérez-Miranda, Manuel
| | | Complete resolution of dysphagia after sequential Polyflex(tm) stenting in a case of recurrent anastomotic stenosis in an adult with congenital esophageal atresia del-Pozo-García, Andrés J.; Piedracoba-Cadahia, Carlos; Sánchez-Gómez, Fernando; Marín-Gabriel, José Carlos; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Sarbelio
| | | Endoscopic submucosal hydro-dissection as a rescue treatment of a large recurrent lateral spreading tumor in an ileorectal anastomosis Rodríguez Sánchez, Joaquín; Sánchez Alonso, Mónica; Olmedo Camacho, José
| | | Scientific Letters | | | | · Laparoscopic cholecystectomy complications: a new case report of a right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm that caused jaundice Villa-Gómez, Guido; Alejandro-Mahler, Manuel; Manazzoni, Dante
| | | | · A giant abdominal collection: when things are not what they seem Ortiz-Moyano, Carlos; Martín-Guerrero, Juan; Rojas-Feria, María
| | | | · Comment to the letter "Acute appendicitis after a colonic endoscopic submucosal resection" Herreros de Tejada, Alberto; García, José Santiago
| | | | · Meckel's diverticulitis: a laparoscopic approach Martí-Fernández, Rosa; León-Espinoza, Carlos; Tonazzi-Zorrilla, Rocío
| | | | · A new reported case of ileocecal infiltrative endometriosis, a disease which is probably underdiagnosed Marqués-Ruiz, Alberto; Cámara-Baena, Sergio; Sánchez-Ramos, Yéssica
| | | | · Crohn's disease and cystic fibrosis: there is still a lot to learn Trigo-Salado, Claudio; Leo-Carnerero, Eduardo; de-la-Cruz-Ramírez, Dolores
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