| Table of contents Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac vol.27 n.2 Madrid Mar./Apr. 2005 Press Release | | | |
Artículos Clínicos | | | | · Conservative treatment of condyle fractures: Radiological and clinical evaluation Wassouf, A.; Verdeja, R.; Grätz, K.W.
| | | Discusión | | | | · Conservative treatment of condyle fractures: Radiological and clinical evaluation Iriarte Ortabe, J.I.
| | | Artículos Clínicos | | | | · Therapeutic approach to impacted third molar follicles González García, R.; Escorial Hernández, V.; Capote Moreno, A.; Martos Díaz, P.L.; Sastre Pérez, J.; Rodríguez Campo, F.J.
| | | | · Basal cell adenoma of the parotid: A revision based on four cases Pastor Fortea, M.J.; Iriarte Ortabe, J.I.; Ramos Asensi, R.; Morey Mas, M.; Caubet Biayna, J.; Pozo Porta, A.; Forteza-Rey Borralleras, I.
| | | Casos Clínicos | | | | · Advancement osteotomy of the orbital rim for the treatment of severe endocrine exophthalmos Almeida, F.; Eslava, J. M.; Sánchez-Jáuregui, E.; Pezzi, M.; Martínez-Lage, J. L.
| | | | · Nasal T/NK cell lymphoma Torre Iturraspe, A.; Llorente Pendás, S.; Vicente Rodríguez, J.C. de; Junquera Gutiérrez, L.M.; López-Arranz Arranz, J.S.
| | | Nota Clínica | | | | · Security device for a better control of impacted third molars during exodontia: A new technique Hernández Altemir, F.; Hernández Montero, S.; Moros Peña, M.; Hernández Montero, E.
| | | Página del Residente | | | | · Carotid-cavernous fistula Riaño Argüelles, A.; Bada García, M.A.; Sebastián López, C.; Garatea Crelgo, J.
| | | Cartas al Director | | | | · The intermediate surgical splint in bimaxillary surgery: A simple method for obtaining it Pascual Gil, José V.
| | | Revisión Bibliográfica Cirugía Bucal | | | | | | | Revisión Bibliográfica General | | | | | | |