| Table of contents Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac vol.35 n.4 Madrid Oct./Dec. 2013 Press Release | | | |
Original articles | | | | · Ameloblastoma: a retrospective study of 48 cases López Alvarenga, Rodrigo; Jaeger, Filipe; Gomes Nascimento, Jorge Henrique; Leal, Rosana Maria
| | | | · Oral and maxillofacial surgery in the European Union Maestre Rodríguez, Óscar; Monje Gil, Florencio; Cordero Acosta, Eugenio
| | | | · Effectiveness of 4 and 8 mg prophylactic dexamethasone to control post-surgical swelling of impacted third molars: a randomized parallel-group clinical trial Olmedo de la Cruz Carranza, Holger; Asmat Abanto, Ángel Steven; Guerrero Guevara, Rember
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Bell's palsy: a case report León-Arcila, Miguel Evelio; Benzur-Alalus, David; Álvarez-Jaramillo, Jaime
| | | | · Nasal cavity mucosal melanoma Sarra, Luis; Rodríguez, Juan C.; García-Valea, Mariela; Arédez-Ferrer, Aníbal; Vino, Anabel; Guassardo, Bárbara
| | | | · Primary intraosseous venous malformation of the zygoma: update in diagnostic criteria Guijarro-Martínez, Raquel; Morales-Navarro, Juan Diego; Solís-García, Ignacio; Ventura-Martínez, Natalia; Marqués-Mateo, Mariano; Puche-Torres, Miguel
| | | | · Ameloblastic fibroma associated with a compound odontoma: importance of the histopathological study Botero Gutiérrez, Nora; Leon Jiménez, Ronald; Cantillo Payares, Oswaldo; Álvarez Villadiego, Patricia; Diaz Caballero, Antonio
| | | | · Temporomandibular joint prostheses: an alternative for impacted mandibular condyle in middle cranial fossa Garcia-Guevara, Henry; Gavranich, Joao; Araujo-Moreira, Thais; Vasconcellos, Valquiria; Leandro, Luiz L.
| | | Resident´s Page | | | | · What's your diagnosis? Encinas Bascones, Alejandro; González Corchón, Arantzazu; Núñez-Pozuelo, Blanca; Fernández Martin, M.E.; Millón Cruz, Alejandrina; Calatayud Gastardi, Joaquín; Martín-Granizo, Rafael
| | | | · What is your diagnosis? Nieto Fernández-Pacheco, María José; Castillo Pardo de Vera, José Luis del; Burgueño García, Miguel
| | | Resident´s page. Solutions | | | | · Brown tumor of the mandible as first presentation of hyperparathyroidism Encinas Bascones, Alejandro; González Corchón, Arantzazu; Núñez Pozuelo, Blanca; Fernández Martin, Eulalia; Millón Cruz, Alejandrina; Calatayud Gastardi, Joaquín; Martín-Granizo, Rafael
| | | | · Palatal fractures. Diagnosis and treatment options: case report Nieto Fernández-Pacheco, María José; Castillo Pardo de Vera, José Luis del; Burgueño García, Miguel
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