| Table of contents Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac vol.38 n.3 Madrid Jul./Sep. 2016 Press Release | | | |
Originales | | | | · Aggressive tumor growth associated with the use of mandibular distraction osteogenesis: a case presentation Stavaru Marinescu, Bogdan; Naval Gías, Luís; Rodríguez Campo, Francisco José
| | | | · Are bisphosphonates and dental implants compatible?: a review of the literature Moreno-Sánchez, Manuel; Monje Gil, Florencio; González-García, Raúl; Manzano Solo de Zaldívar, Damián
| | | | · Computer-assisted surgery navigation systems in head and neck oncology: an updated systematic literature review Centella-Gutiérrez, Concepción; Dean-Ferrer, Alicia
| | | | · Bone distraction and orthognathic surgery on previously irradiated patients Martínez-Pérez, Fátima; Arribas-García, Ignacio; Álvarez-Flórez, Modesto; Gómez-Oliveira, Guillermo; Serrano Álvarez-Buylla, Adriana; Martínez-Gimeno, Carlos
| | | | · Endoscopic approaches to the anterior skull base Santos, Gonzalo De Los
| | | Casos Clínicos | | | | · Desmoplastic ameloblastoma with cystic predominance: presentation of a clinical case Martínez-Revilla, Begoña; Elizondo-Lazkano, Xabier; Mosqueda-Taylor, Adalberto; Aguirre-Urizar, José Manuel
| | | | · Tuberculosis of parotid gland Chiesa Estomba, Carlos Miguel; Araujo da Costa, Ana Sofía; Rivera Schmitz, Teresa; González Cortes, María Jesús
| | | | · Sticky platelet syndrome: a report of 2 cases Esquivel, Diego; Franco-Pretto, Elías; Gonzalez, Gloria; Correa, Diana
| | | | · Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours as the source of orofacial pain Chaurand-Lara, Jorge; Pacheco-Ruiz, Laura; Méndez-Rosito, Diego
| | | | · Trèlat's beads as oral manifestations in patients with HIV/TB Giovani, Elcio Magdalena; Tarquinio Marinho, Kelly Cristine; Correia dos Santos, Camila
| | | | · Ectopic mandibular third molar in the sub-condylar region: a clinical case and a literature review Sanchis, José M.; Murillo, Judith; Díaz, José M.; Sanchis, José Carlos
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