Editorial Comment |
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| · Psychosocial Intervention enters a new phase
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Family and Psychosocial Risk |
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| · School victimization: family environment, self-esteem, and life satisfaction from a gender perspective Povedano, Amapola; Hendry, Leo B.; Ramos, Manuel J.; Varela, Rosa
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| · Social support and personal agency in at-risk mothers Rodrigo, María José; Byrne, Sonia
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| · Child psychological maltreatment in the family: definition and severity assessment Arruabarrena, Mª Ignacia
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Substance Use |
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| · Violent behaviour, drunkenness, drug use, and social capital in nightlife contexts Calafat, Amador; Mantecón, Alejandro; Juan, Montse; Adrover-Roig, Daniel; Blay, Nicole; Rosal, Flora
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| · Risk and protective self-esteem: a mediational role between family environment and substance use in adolescents Jiménez, Teresa I.
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| · Reducing substance use and HIV health disparities among Hispanic youth in the USA: the Familias Unidas program of research Prado, Guillermo; Pantin, Hilda
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| · Factors associated with youth alcohol consumption: a review from a psychosocial and ecological perspective Pons, Javier; Buelga, Sofía
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Research Agenda |
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| · Meta-analysis and Evidence-Based Psychosocial Intervention Sánchez-Meca, Julio; Marín-Martínez, Fulgencio; López-López, José Antonio
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| · Contextual influences on the individual life course: building a research framework for social epidemiology Merlo, Juan
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