Editorial |
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| · Nursing that focuses on the Patient's Meaning®: A model based on the narrative and the other's ethics Valverde, Clara
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Originals |
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| · Socio-cultural representations about menopause: Experiences of the process in resident women in Albacete, Spain Gómez Martínez, Angélica; Mateos Ramos, Antonio; Lorenzo Díaz, Marca; Simón Hernández, Mercedes; García Núñez, Llanos; Cutanda Carrión, Benedicta
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| · Coping strategies and job satisfaction in mental health nurse Perea-Baena, J.M.; Sánchez-Gil, L.M.
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| · Life experience of young people with familiar violence who live in protected Homes Calvo-Gil, María Julia; Obando-Calderón, Nélida Isabel
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| · Assessment of the communicative/relational component in the nursing practice in primary care: The GATHA-NURSING questionnaire López-Santos, Valle; Sánchez-Ramos, José Luis; Toronjo-Gómez, Ángela; Pedregal-González, Miguel; Rojas-Ocaña, María Jesús; Contreras-Martín, Ángela
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| · Dimensions of family care during depression: An ethnographic study Ferré Grau, Carme
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| · Discovering the eating habits in the multicultural school through the childrens debates Merino Godoy, Mª de los Ángeles
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Review Articles |
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| · Modernity, positivism and technology: The influence of nursing in patients who need technology equipment Palacios-Ceña, Domingo
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Theoretical |
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| · Going to a constructivist model of grief Rodríguez Alvaro, Martín; García Hernández, Alfonso Miguel; Toledo Rosell, Cristina
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| · Application of some Nursing Theories in the Clinical Practice Mejía Lopera, Mª Eugenia
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| · The surgical operation: Rite of passage in a hospital context González Requejo, Javier
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Instrument |
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| · Validation of the LATCH assessment tool into Spanish: Reliability analysis Báez León, Carmen; Blasco Contreras, Rosario; Martín Sequeros, Esperanza; Pozo Ayuso, Mª Luisa del; Sánchez Conde, Ana Isabel; Vargas Hormigos, Concepción
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History and Life |
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| · Health planning in a indigenous community of the Amazons Pineda Granados, Francy Yanira
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Action Diary |
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| · The Intensive Care Unit and the "technological love" Gálvez González, María Antonia
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Letters to the Editor |
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| · To help to face a change of life Matamala Gastón, Ana
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| · Why are they still wet from urine? Saucedo Figueredo, Mª Carmen
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Elucidario |
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Special Report |
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| · Nursing research and peer review Piqué Angordans, Jordi; Camaño Puig, Ramón
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Comented Nowadays Library |
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