| Table of contents Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor vol.21 n.4 Madrid Jul./Aug. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · In memorian Germán Ochoa Rodríguez, M. J.
| | | Originals | | | | · Relationship between performance status and satisfaction with fentanyl pectin nasal spray Torres, L.M.; Thorpe, D.M.; Knight, A.D.; Perelman, M.
| | | | · Managing chronic pain in Primary Care, prescription profile for strong opioids: indications, cost and adverse effects Guzmán-Ruiz, M.; Mora-Moscoso, R.; Delgado-Mediano, C.M.; Pérez-Milena, A.; Rueda-Rojas, M.; Gea-Rodríguez, L.A.
| | | | · Prevalence and therapeutic management of pain in the emergency department of a university hospital Mínguez Masó, S.; Herms Puig, R.; Arbonés Aran, E.; Roqueta Guillén, C.; Farriols Danés, C.; Riu Camps, M.; Montes Pérez, A.
| | | | · Effectiveness of genicular nerve radiofrequency treatment in knee osteoarthritis chronic pain Ramírez Ogalla, I.; Moreno Martín, A.; Santana Pineda, M.M.; Rodríguez Huertas, F.
| | | Clinical Note | | | | · Transforaminal epidural steroid injections in lumbosacral radiculopathy: assessment of pain and disability Papa de la Rosa, P.
| | | Review | | | | · Contralateral Horner's syndrome associated with stellate ganglion block: case report and literature review Cadavid Puentes, A.; Bermúdez Guerrero, F.; Zea Medina, M.V.
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Esquemas de manejo de dolor postoperatorio en cirugía abdominal abierta no ginecológica en el Hospital General "Dr. Manuel Gea González" López Franco, J.L.; Salado Ávila, M.A.; Templos Esteban, L.A.
| | | Erratum | | | | | | |