| Table of contents Gerokomos vol.25 n.2 Barcelona Jun. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · To the first sucklers of gerontological nursing Soldevilla Agreda, J. Javier
| | | Reviews | | | | · Aging concept analysis Alvarado García, Alejandra María; Salazar Maya, Ángela María
| | | | · Physical restraint: review and ethical reflection Fernández Rodríguez, Ángela; Zabala Blanco, Jaime
| | | Communications | | | | · Influence of nurses case managers in the quality of life of caregivers of patients with complex chronic diseases García-Fernández, Francisco Pedro; Arrabal Orpez, María J.; Rodríguez Torres, María del Carmen; Gila Selas, Carmen; Carrascosa García, Isabel; Laguna Parras, Juan M.
| | | Helcos | | | | · Efficacy for preventing pressure ulcers of the virgin extra olive oil versus hyper-oxygenated fatty acids: intermediate results from a non-inferiority trial Díaz-Valenzuela, Antonio; Valle Cañete, M.ª Jesús; Carmona Fernández, Pedro Jesús; García-Fernández, Francisco P.; Pancorbo-Hidalgo, Pedro Luis
| | | | · Development of a protocol for the management of surgical wound in neck surgery: an effective and efficient treatment in laryngectomized patients Rodríguez Valiente, Antonio; Segovia Gómez, Teresa; Roldán Fidalgo, Amaya; Bermejo Martínez, Mariano; García Berrocal, José Ramón
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