| Table of contents Gerokomos vol.33 n.1 Barcelona Mar. 2022 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Guardians of care Martínez Cuervo, Fernando
| | | Originals | | | | · The future of gerontologic nursing care. Next users' view Jaén-Pérez, Javier; Lidón-Cerezuela, María Beatriz; Grande-Gascón, María Luisa
| | | | · The presence of nurses in Cantabria old people's home Fernández Rivera, María Esther; López Gandara, María; Somonte Pérez, Graciela; Carrera Benito, Carolina; Pérez Mena, Ana Isabel; Manzanas Gutiérrez, Ana; Gómez Sánchez, Ana; Gualdrón Romero, María Alexandra; San Millán Sierra, Sara
| | | | · Biopsychosocial and balance assessment in a community intervention with exercise in older people Mosteiro-Miguéns, Diego Gabriel; Villegas-Gómez, Alazne; López-Piqueres, María Jesús; Lucena-Márquez, Laura; Domínguez-Martís, Eva María; Novío, Silvia
| | | | · Multi-component physical exercise as a tool to improve frailty in older people Plaza-Carmona, María; Requena-Hernández, Carmen; Jiménez-Mola, Sonia
| | | | · Evolution of functional ability in older people under home care program and evaluation of predictive mortality factors Roure-Murillo, Rosa; Nuin Orrio, Carmen; Rodriguez Cala, Ana; Escobar-Bravo, Miguel Ángel
| | | Review Article | | | | · Update on the prevention of falls in the elderly Martínez Pizarro, Sandra
| | | Carta al Director | | | | · Telephone consultation in geriatrics during confinement by COVID-19 León Molina, Joaquín; Castellote Varona, Francisco Javier
| | | Helcos | | | | · A course on care for people with skin lesions for the undergraduate nursing programme: competencies and proposed contents Soldevilla-Agreda, J Javier; Pancorbo-Hidalgo, Pedro L; Torra-Bou, Joan Enric; Romero-Collado, Ángel; Verdú-Soriano, José; García-Fernández, Francisco P
| | | | · Does hidradenitis suppurativa affect the patient's quality of life? A review of the literature Galvañ Mas, Paula María; López-Casanova, Pablo; Verdú-Soriano, José; Berenguer-Pérez, Miriam
| | | | · Effectiveness of non-irritant barrier films and zinc oxide ointment: a scoping review García Ruiz, María Piedad
| | | | · Use of the V-Chair® system, a smart therapeutical surface in the care of two patients with intellectual disabilities with high dependence and limited mobility Martínez Castro, Judith; Torra-Bou, Joan-Enric
| | | | · Use of negative pressure therapy in a complex diabetic foot wound: A clinical case report Farré Escofet, Cristina; González Delaurens, Cristina; Martínez Castillejo, Jéssica
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