| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.74 n.1 Madrid Jan./Feb. 2000 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · El compromiso colectivo de los hombres homosexuales en la lucha contre el SIDA Rodés, Anna
| | | Colaboración Especial | | | | · Gauging inequalities in age of death: calculating the gini index based on mortality tables Llorca, Javier; Prieto Salceda, Dolores; Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel
| | | | · Women & cigarette smoking: gender-related aspects Becoña, Elisardo; Vázquez, Fernando L.
| | | Originales | | | | · High-Risk sexual behavior and HIV prevalence among gay and bisexual men in the community of Madrid Cañellas, S.; Perez de la Paz, J.; Noguer, I.; Villaamil, F.; García Berrocal, M. L.; Fuente, L. de la; Belza, MJ.; Castilla, J.
| | | | · Descriptive study of statistical methods in the original articles published on the cigarette smoking habit in four Spanish medical journals (1985-1996) García López, José Antonio
| | | | · Brucellosis - incidence, etiology and epidemiology in a rural area of the Province of Lleida, Catalonia. Alvarez, Jordi Serra; García, Pere Godoy
| | | | · Severe acute intocations read in an intensive care nit over a twelve-year period Palazón Sánchez, C; Segura Pérez, J; Renedo Villaroya, A; Palazón Sánchez, EL; Pardo Talavera, JC; Felices Abad, F
| | | | · Set of indicators for assessing the degree to which a drug therapy guide is followed in a primary care area Rigueira García, Ana Isabel; Gómez Juanes, Vicente
| | | Reseñas Bibliográficas | | | | · Estadísticas de salud en las Américas Organización Panamericana de la Salud
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