| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.74 n.3 Madrid May./Jun. 2000 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Los alimentos modificados genéticamente y la epidemiología actual Tormo Díaz, María José
| | | Special Collaboration | | | | · Cholesterolemia control in Spain, 2000. A toolfor cardiovascular disease prevention Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Sociedad Española de Cardiología, Sociedad Española de Arterioesclerosis
| | | | · Health risks of genetically modified foods: a literature review Roig, José L. Domingo; Arnáiz, Mercedes Gómez
| | | Originals | | | | · Characteristis of those individuals requesting to be seen by a physician without first having made an appointment ahead of time Pomar, Carlos Isanta; Torres, Pilar Rivera; Iglesias, Marta Pedraja; Blasco, Natalia Giménez
| | | | · Quality perceived by two populations assigned to two health care centers in the province of Cuenca Retamal González, Antonio; Monge Jodra, Vicente
| | | | · Personal care habits of individuals over age 65 having no cognitive impairment and residing in the Guadalajara health care district Albert Cuñat, Vicente; Maestro Castelblanque, María Esperanza; Martínez Pérez, José Antonio; Monge Jodrá, Vicente
| | | | · Assessment of the effectiveness of health training courses offered for food handlers in a health care district Gil de Vergara, Pilar Viedma; Colomer Revuelta, Concha; Serra Majem, Lluís
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