| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.74 n.4 Madrid Jul./Aug. 2000 Press Release | | | |
Editoriales | | | | · ¿Deben estar las técnicas de consenso incluidas entre las técnicas de investigación cualitativa? Pérez Andrés, Cristina
| | | | · La fascinación por Popper en la epidemiología contemporánea Miguel García, Félix
| | | Colaboración Especial | | | | · Popper and the problem of induction in epidemiology Banegas, José R.; Rodríguez Artalejo, Fernando; Rey Calero, Juan del
| | | Originales | | | | · Comparison betwen several standard populations for age-adjusting Llorca Díaz, Javier; Prieto Salceda, Dolores; Dierssen Sotos, Trinidad; Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel
| | | | · Utilisation of non-conventional amphotericin B in the San Carlos Clinical Hospital Prieto Yerro, Concepción; Vargas Castrillón, Emilio; Laredo Velasco, Leonor; Pérez-Cecilia, Elisa; Ambit Avila, María Isabel; Picazo de la Garza, Juan José
| | | | · Prevalence of treatment of tubercular infection in the provincial prison Martín, Vicente; Brugos, Margarita; Valcarcel, Irene
| | | Segunda Jornada sobre la Enfermedad Meningocócica en España - Estudios Generales | | | | · Current situation of meningococcal disease in Spain Cano Portero, Rosa; García Delgado, Carmela; Mateo Ontañón, Salvador de
| | | | · Situation of the epidemic strain of Neisseria meningitidis c:2b:P1.2,5 following A+C vaccination Alcalá Galicia, Belén; Vázquez Moreno, Julio A.
| | | | · Results of the study on sub-detection of the meningococcus in vaccinated individuals Malvar Pintos, Alberto
| | | | · Meningococcal disease in Spain, 1990-1997. Change in the epidemiological pattern Mateo Ontañón, Salvador de
| | | | · Evolution of meningococcal disease in the Community of Madrid. Efficacy of A+C meningococcal vaccination Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles; Ramírez Fernández, Rosa; García Gutiérrez, Juan; Moreno Civantos, Antonio; Hernando García, Margarita; Arce Arnáez, Araceli; Sendra Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel; Bueno Vallejos, Rafael
| | | | · Evaluation of the vaccination campaign in Cantabria two years of epidemiological evolution González de Aledo, Alvaro; García Merino, Jesús
| | | Segunda Jornada sobre la Enfermedad Meningocócica en España - Estudios Especiales | | | | · Survey of rates of healthy carriers of N. Meningitidis and characterisation of circulating strains Ramos Aceitero, Julián Mauro
| | | | · Survey of N. Meningitidis carriers in the Gran Canary health jurisdiction García Rojas, Amós; Bordes Benítez, Ana; Lafarga Capuz, Bernardo; Vázquez Moreno, Julio; López Villarrubia, Elena; García Castellano, Pilar; Solís Romero, José
| | | | · Effectivity and duration of the immunity of the serogroup A and C meningococcal vaccine García Comas, Luis; Ramírez Fernández, Rosa; Castañeda López, Rosario; Sanz Moreno, Juan Carlos; Vázquez Moreno, Julio; Lasheras Carbajo, Mª Dolores; Barranco Ordoñez, Dolores; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Jover Ibarra, José
| | | | · Levels of bactericidal antibodies against meningococcus C following the vaccination of children between 2 and 6 years of age in Andalusia Delgado Torralbo, Elena; Vazquez Moreno, Julio A.; García León, Javier; González Enríquez, Jesús; Martínez Navarro, Ferrán; Berrón Morato, Sonsoles; Mayoral Cortés, José María; Rubin Gómez, Mª. Angeles; Méndez Martínez, Camila; Cortés Majó, Margarita; Chaves Caballero, Mónica; Bernal González, Mª Luisa
| | | | · Results of the serological study following vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C in children Espín Ríos, María Isabel
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