Editorial |
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| · Sobre la metodología cualitativa Pérez Andrés, Cristina
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Special Collaboration |
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| · Qualitative Research in Spain: from Political Life to Maltreatment of the Sense Peinado, Anselmo
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| · The Similarities and Differences Between the Qualitative and the Quantitative Perspective Throughout Medical History Conde Gutiérrez, Fernando
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| · Observation, Interview and Discussion group: the Silence of Three Research Practices Callejo Gallego, Javier
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| · Different Approaches to Qualitative Health Research Analysis: A Critical and Reflective View Amezcua, Manuel; Gálvez Toro, Alberto
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| · A Qualitative Evaluation of Blood-Donor Services in Catalonia Garay Uriarte, Ana; Íñiguez Rueda, Lupicinio; Martínez González, Maite; Muñoz Justicia, Juan; Pallarès Parejo, Susana; Vázquez Sixto, Félix
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| · Qualitative Research and Health Promotion in the Community of Madrid, Spain Gil Nebot, Mª Ángeles; Estrada Ballesteros, Carmen; Pires Alcalde, Mª Luisa; Aguirre Martín-Gil, Ramón
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| · Chronic illness health care: Reflections on the methodological procedures of a qualitative study Mercado, Francisco J; Alcántara Hernández, Elizabeth; Lara Flores, Norma; Sánchez, Adelita; Tejada Tayabas, Luz María
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| · Quality Criteria in Qualitative Health Research (QHR): Notes for a Necessary Debate Calderón, Carlos
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| · Ten Contributions of the Use of Qualitative Methodology in a Primary Care In-House Audit Bilbao Acedos, Izaskun; March Cerdá, Joan Carles; Prieto Rodríguez, María Angeles
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Originals |
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| · The Evolution of the Social Representations Regarding Health of Women from Madrid, Spain, 1993-2000. Conde, Fernando; Gabriel, Concha
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| · Qualitative Assessment of a Campaign Promoting Condom Use among a Teenage and Young Adult Population in the Community of Madrid, Spain Seoane Pascual, Luis
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| · The Opinion of Nursing Students and Professionals Concerning Nursing Training in the Community of Madrid, Spain: A Discussion Groups Study Pérez Andrés, Cristina; Alameda Cuesta, Almudena; Albéniz Lizarraga, Carmen
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| · Current Status Analysis and Suggestions for Improvement in Primary Care Nursing in Mallorca, Spain: A Research with Focal Groups Sancho Viudes, Salvadora; Vidal Thomàs, Clara; Cañellas Pons, Rosa; Caldés Pinilla, María José; Corcoll Reixach, Josep; Ramos Montserrat, María
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| · The Opinions of the Primary Care Professionals of the Autonomous Community of Madrid Concerning the Work with Groups: Reason for Being, Purposes and Fields of Intervention Duro Martínez, Juan Carlos
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| · The Quality of the Physician-Patient Relationship and Results of the Clinical Encounters in Primary Care in Alicante: A Focal Groups Study Girón, Manuel; Beviá, Begoña; Medina, Elisa; Simón Talero, Manuel
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| · Measures Aimed at Teenagers and Young Adults Related to Health Promotion and Prevention in the Community of Madrid, Spain Portero López, Paloma; Cirne Lima, Roberta; Mathieu, Gladys
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| · Concepts and opinions on social participation in health held by different groups of stakeholders in North-eastern Brazil: A qualitative study Vázquez Navarrete, M Luisa; Silva, M Rejane Ferreira da; Campos, Eliane Siqueira; Pereira, Ana Paula Campos; Diniz, Alcides da Silva; Veras, Ida Leite; Arruda, Ilma Kruze Grande de
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| · Coping Stress Strategies and Sources of Professional Gratification Among Specialist in the Community of Valencia: A Qualitative Study Escribà-Agüir, Vicenta; Bernabé-Muñoz, Yolanda
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| · A Qualitative Analysis of Patient's Perceptions on the Participation in Clinical Trials: Navarra, Spain Silvestre Busto, Carmen; Gost Garde, Javier; Astier Peña, Pilar; Ezpeleta Iturralde, Pilar
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| · The Perspective of Non-Institutional Caregivers Regarding Home Care in Andalussia: A Computer-Aided Qualitative Study Prieto Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles; Gil García, Eugenia; Heierle Valero, Cristina; Frías Osuna, Antonio
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Reviews List |
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