| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.85 n.5 Madrid Sep./Oct. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · 25 Years after the Health Reform of Ernest Lluch Lamata Cotanda, Fernando; Pérez Andrés, Cristina
| | | Special Collaborations | | | | · Psychiatric reform 25 years after the General Law of Health Desviat, Manuel
| | | | · Contemporary relevance of the Spanish General Health Act after twenty five years Criado Álvarez, Juan José; Repullo Labrador, José Ramón; García Millán, Ángel
| | | | · Twenty five years of health reports in Barcelona: a commitment to transparency and a tool for action Borrell, Carme; Bartoll, Xavier; García-Altés, Anna; Pasarín, M. Isabel; Piñeiro, Manel; Villalbí, Joan R.
| | | | · Without reciprocal recognition there is not quality of care Calvo Rigual, Fernando; Costa Alcaraz, Ana M.; García-Conde Brú, Javier; Megía Sanz, Mª Jesús
| | | Originals | | | | · Impact of morbidity on the health of the Basque Country population 2002-2007: a comprehensive approach through health expectancies Martín, Unai; Esnaola, Santiago; Audicana, Covadonga; Bacigalupe, Amaia
| | | Brief Originals | | | | · Relationship between daily physical activity, recess physical activity, age and sex in scholar of primary school, Spain Escalante, Yolanda; Backx, Karianne; Saavedra, José M.; García-Hermoso, Antonio; Domínguez, Ana M.
| | | | · Prevalence of risk factors for fragility fracture in men aged 40 to 90 years of a Spanish basic Rural Health Area Gómez Navarro, Rafael
| | | | · Prevalence and relationship between physical activity and abnormal eating attitudes in Spanish women university students in Health and Education Sciences Cancela Carral, José María; Ayán Pérez, Carlos
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