| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.86 n.2 Madrid Mar./Apr. 2012 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · The Cost of Occupational Cancer in Spain Kogevinas, Manolis
| | | Originals | | | | · Direct Health Care Costs of Lung and Bladder Cancer Attributable to Work. Spain, 2008 García Gómez, Montserrat; Urbanos Garrido, Rosa; Castañeda López, Rosario; López Menduiña, Patricia
| | | | · Typology, Values and Preferences of People with HIV and Imaginaries of Infection: A Qualitative Research. Spain, 2010 Conde Gutiérrez Del Álamo, Fernando; Santoro Domingo, Pablo; Seisida. Grupo de Asesores en Adherencia al Tratamiento Antirretrovírico
| | | | · Premature Mortality Excess Related to Influenza in Spain during an Interpandemic Period Simón Méndez, Lorena; López-Cuadrado, Teresa; López Perea, Noemí; Larrauri Cámara, Amparo; Mateo Ontañón, Salvador de
| | | | · Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Maintenance Therapy with Rituximab in Patients with Follicular Lymphoma Responding to Induction Therapy at the First Line Castro Gómez, Antonio J.; López-Guillermo, Armando; Rueda Domínguez, Antonio; Salar, Antonio; Varela Moreno, Cristina; Rubio-Terrés, Carlos
| | | | · Prevalence of Tobacco Consumption Among Working Population after the Law 42/2010, Spain Catalina Romero, Carlos; Sainz Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos; Quevedo Aguado, Luis; Cortés Arcas, María Victoria; Pinto Blázquez, José Antonio; Gelpi Méndez, José Antonio; Calvo Bonacho, Eva; González Quintela, Arturo
| | | | · Indicated Prevention of Problematic Drug Consumption in Adolescents of Barcelona, Spain Guitart, Anna M.; Bartroli, Montse; Villalbí, Joan R.; Guilañá, Elvira; Castellano, Yolanda; Espelt, Albert; Brugal, M. Teresa
| | | | · Behavioral Disorders Prevalence in Pediatrics Primary Care: Region of Valencia, Spain, 2009 Ballester Arnal, Rafael; Legaz Sánchez, Eva; Salmerón Sánchez, Pedro; Gil Llario, Mª Dolores
| | | Book Review | | | | · The Refoundation of Primary Care in Spain
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