| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.90 Madrid 2016 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Mejorar la transparencia y la credibilidad de los análisis coste-efectividad de las intervenciones sanitarias Catalá-López, Ferrán; Ridao, Manuel
| | | | · Reflexiones en torno al marco epistemológico de la disforia de género Fernández Rodríguez, María; Guerra Mora, Patricia; Martín Sánchez, Eloya; Grupo GIDSEEN
| | | | · La Declaración GATHER para la presentación precisa y trasparente de los estudios sobre estimaciones de salud procedentes de múltiples fuentes de información y poblaciones Catalá-López, Ferrán; Pérez Andrés, Cristina
| | | Brief Original | | | | · Cost Effectiveness of Treatments of Psoriasis with a PASI 75 and one Period of 12 Weeks Alfageme Roldán, Fernando; Bermejo Hernando, Almudena; Calvo González, José Luís; Marqués Sánchez, Pilar
| | | | · Influence of Urbanistic Characteristics in the Level of Physical Activity in People Aged 18 to 65 of the Metropolitan Area Pamplona, Spain Orzanco-Garralda, Mª Rosario; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Sainz Suberviola, Lourdes; Redín Areta, Mª Dolores; de la Rosa Eduardo, Rosana; Aguinaga-Ontoso, Inés
| | | | · Risk-taking attitudes of people who seek health care: an exploratory approach through lottery games using generalized estimating equations Martín-Fernández, Jesús; Ariza-Cardiel, Gloria; Polentinos-Castro, Elena; Gil-Lacruz, Ana Isabel; Gómez-Gascón, Tomás; Domínguez-Bidagor, Julia; del-Cura-González, Isabel
| | | | · Vending machines of food and beverages and nutritional profile of their products at schools in Madrid, Spain, 2014-2015 Monroy-Parada, Doris Xiomara; Moya, María Ángeles; Bosqued, María José; López, Lázaro; Rodríguez-Artalejo, Fernando; Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Quality of the Spanish Clinical Guidelines about Alzheimer's Disease and others Dementias Parra-Anguita, Laura; Granero-Moya, Nani; Pancorbo-Hidalgo, Pedro L.
| | | | · Coding Causes of Death with IRIS Software. Impact in Navarre Mortality Statistic Floristán Floristán, Yugo; Delfrade Osinaga, Josu; Carrillo Prieto, Jesús; Aguirre Perez, Jesús; Moreno-Iribas, Conchi
| | | | · Stressful Events in the Onset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Gimeno Pi, Iraida; Guitard Sein-Echaluce, Mª Luisa; Rosselló Aubach, Lluís; Torres Puig-Gros, Joan; Fernández Solà, Joaquim
| | | | · Satisfaction of Users with Spinal Cord Injury in relation to the Service of Promotion of Personal Autonomy of the Balearic Islands, Spain Capó-Juan, Miguel Ángel; Fiol-Delgado, Rosa Mª; Alzamora-Perelló, Mª Magdalena; Bosch-Gutiérrez, Marta; Serna-López, Lucía; Bennasar-Veny, Miguel; Aguiló-Pons, Antonio; De Pedro-Gómez, Joan E
| | | Special Collaboration | | | | · Toward a New Immunization Schedule in Spain, 2016 (Part 1) Limia-Sánchez, Aurora; Andreu, María del Mar; de Viarce Torres de Mier, María; Navarro-Alonso, José Antonio
| | | | · Toward a New Immunization Schedule in Spain, 2016 (Part 2) Navarro-Alonso, José Antonio; Taboada-Rodríguez, José Antonio; Limia-Sánchez, Aurora
| | | | · Development of a Conceptual Framework for the Assessment of Chronic Care in the Spanish National Health System Espallargues, Mireia; Serra-Sutton, Vicky; Solans-Domènech, Maite; Torrente, Elena; Moharra, Montse; Benítez, Dolors; Robles, Noemí; Domingo, Laia; Escarrabill, Joan
| | | | · Social welfare policy and inequalities in health. Preconceived truths in scientific research Regidor, Enrique
| | | | · Counterfeit Medicines in Internet and the Fakeshare European Project: Experiences and Activities in Spain Catalán-Matamoros, Daniel; González-Ochando, Nuria; Pecharroman-Arribas, Henar; Fernández-Muelas, Ana; Bentolila-Benchimol, Stella Sandra; Ibarra-Lorente, Manuel
| | | | · Metrics in academic profiles: a new addictive game for researchers? Orduna-Malea, Enrique; Martín-Martín, Alberto; Delgado López-Cózar, Emilio
| | | | · Tax on Sugar Sweetened Beverages in Spain Ortún, Vicente; López-Valcárcel, Beatriz G; Pinilla, Jaime
| | | | · A Brief Overview of English Primary Care in the Last Half Century Blanco Rubio, Carlota; Francisco Montero, Carmen de; González Hernández, Francisco Javier; Adrada Bautista, Alberto; Gabaldón-Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Ortega-Calvo, Manuel
| | | | · Spanish Adaptation of the 2016 European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Ángel; Armario, Pedro; Lobos Bejarano, José María; Pedro-Botet, Juan; Villar Alvarez, Fernando; Elosua, Roberto; Brotons Cuixart, Carlos; Cortés, Olga; Serrano, Benilde; Camafort Babkowski, Miguel; Gil Núñez, Antonio; Pérez, Antonio; Maiques, Antonio; Santiago Nocito, Ana de; Castro, Almudena; Alegría, Eduardo; Baeza, Ciro; Herranz, María; Sans, Susana; Campos, Pilar
| | | | · Future Perspective of Pharmacoepidemiology in the "Big Data Era" and the Growth of Information Sources Macías Saint-Gerons, Diego; Fuente Honrubia, César de la; Andrés Trelles, Fernando de; Catalá-López, Ferrán
| | | Original | | | | · A Dynamic Model to Estimate the Budget Impact of a Pneumococcal Vaccination Program in a 65 Year-old immunocompetent Spanish Cohort with 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Lorente Antoñanzas, Reyes; Varona Malumbres, Juan Luis; Antoñanzas Villar, Fernando; Rejas Gutiérrez, Javier
| | | | · Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Rural Area of Guadalajara, Spain Martínez Pérez, José Antonio; Vasquez Marín, Carlos Eduardo; Rodríguez Zapata, Manuel
| | | | · Characteristics of Hospitalizations of Homeless Persons in Seville, Spain Tornero Patricio, Sebastián; Fernández Ajuria, Alberto; Charris Castro, Liliana
| | | | · Criterion and Construct Validity in Nursing Diagnosis "Sedentary Lifestyle" in People over 50 Years Old Guirao-Goris, Silamani J Adolf; Ferrer Ferrándiz, Esperanza; Montejano Lozoya, Raimunda
| | | | · Nursing Workforce Characteristics and Control of Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care: a Multilevel Analysis. Spain Parro Moreno, Ana; Santiago Pérez, Mª Isolina; Abraira Santos, Victor; Aréjula Torres, José Luis; Díaz Holgado, Antonio; Gandarillas Grande, Ana; Morales Asencio, José Miguel; Serrano Gallardo, Pilar
| | | | · Prevalence of Hypertensión and Associated Factors in Population Aged 16 to 90 Years Old in Valencia Region, Spain Zubeldia Lauzurica, Lourdes; Quiles Izquierdo, Joan; Mañes Vinuesa, Jordi; Redón Más, Josep
| | | | · Methodology for Identification of Inverse Drug Distribution, Spain López Pérez, Mª Arantzazu; Muñoz Arias, Mariano; Vázquez Mourelle, Raquel
| | | | · Avoidable Hospital Admissions for Heart Failure, Spain Ruiz-Romero, Victoria; Lorusso, Nicola; Expósito García, Sebastián; Páez-Pinto, José María; Palmero-Palmero, César; Caballero-Delgado, Gema; Zapico Moreno, María José; Fernández-Moyano, Antonio
| | | | · Impact of the Pharmaceutical Copayment Reform on the Use of Antidiabetics, Antithrombotics and Drugs for Chronic Airflow Obstructions. Spain Puig-Junoy, Jaume; Rodríguez-Feijóo, Santiago; González López-Valcárcel, Beatriz; Gómez-Navarro, Vanessa
| | | | · Molecular Epidemiology of Bartonella Henselae in Stray and Sheltered Cats of Zaragoza, Spain Alamán Valtierra, Manuel; Simón Valencia, Carmen; Fuertes Negro, Hector; Unzuet Galarza, Amaya; Flores Somarriba, Byron; Halaihel Kassab, Nabil
| | | | · Breast Reconstruction Post-Mastectomy in the Public Health System of Andalusia, Spain Jiménez-Puente, Alberto; Maañón-di Leo, José Claudio; Lara-Blanquer, Antonio
| | | | · Use of primary care services, care specialized and drug use by population 65 years and more in Madrid, Spain Cano Pérez, María Dolores; Castell Alcalá, María Victoria; Queipo Matas, Rocío; Martín Martín, Sagrario; Mateo Pascual, Carmen; Otero Puime, Ángel
| | | | · Impact of population morbidity on health care costs in a health district Caballer Tarazona, Vicent; Guadalajara Olmeda, Natividad; Vivas Consuelo, David; Clemente Collado, Antonio
| | | | · Prevalence of childhood obesity by sex and regions in Peru, 2015 Hernández-Vásquez, Akram; Bendezú-Quispe, Guido; Santero, Marilina; Azañedo, Diego
| | | | · Burnout in Nursing Professionals Performing Overtime Workdays in Emergency and Critical Care Departments. Spain Cañadas-De la Fuente, Guillermo Arturo; Albendín-García, Luis; Fuente, Emilia Inmaculada de la; San Luis, Concepción; Gómez-Urquiza, José Luis; Cañadas, Gustavo Raúl
| | | | · Motivations and Perceived Barriers to Initiate or Sustain Breastfeeding among Spanish Women Díaz-Gómez, N Marta; Ruzafa-Martínez, María; Ares, Susana; Espiga, Isabel; De Alba, Concepción
| | | | · Cooking Skills and Consumption of Ready Meal in University Students of Barcelona Sainz García, Pedro; Ferrer Svoboda, María Carmen; Sánchez Ruiz, Emilia
| | | | · Assessment of Three Risk Adjustment Systems as Predictors of the Consumption of Medicines and Medical Supplies at Polyvalent Hospitalization Units. Spain Mera Flores, Ana María; Busto Bonifaz, Sebastián del; Bernal Sobrino, José Luis
| | | | · Data Analysis of Subacute Patients with Registered Information in the Minimum Basic Data Set for Social-Healthcare (CMBD-RSS), Spain Meléndez Frigola, Cristina; Arroyo Borrell, Elena; Saez, Marc
| | | | · Aggressions towards Primary Health Care Workers in Madrid, Spain, 2011-2012 Rincón-del Toro, Teresa; Villanueva-Guerra, Adela; Rodríguez-Barrientos, Ricardo; Polentinos-Castro, Elena; Torijano-Castillo, Mª José; de Castro-Monteiro, Emilia; Escrivá de Romaní de Gregorio, Blanca; Barba Calderón, Margarita; de Frías Redondo, María Soledad; Alejo Brú, Nury; Blanco Morales, Concepción; Vázquez Pinilla, Margarita; Besora Altés, Cristina; Heras-Mosteiro, Julio; Infantes Rodríguez, Juan Ángel; Bustamante Fernández, Pilar; de Blas Salvador, Victorina
| | | | · Hospital Emergencies Associated with the Consumption of Hypnotics and Sedatives, Castilla y León, 2009-2013 Rubio González, Verónica; Redondo Martín, Susana; Ruíz López del Prado, Gema; Muñoz Moreno, Mª Fe; Velázquez Miranda, Alexander
| | | | · Use of the Smartphone to Promote Healthy Habits among Teen-agers, Spain Carrion, Carme; Arroyo Moliner, Liliana; Castell, Conxa; Puigdomènech, Elisa; Gómez, Santiago Felipe; Domingo, Laia; Espallargues, Mireia
| | | | · Design and Validation of a Questionnaire on Vaccination in Students of Health Sciences, Spain Fernández-Prada, María; Ramos-Martín, Pedro; Madroñal-Menéndez, Jaime; Martínez-Ortega, Carmen; González-Cabrera, Joaquín
| | | | · Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Fat Mass Parameters in Adolescents Camacho-Cardenosa, Alba; Brazo-Sayavera, Javier; Camacho-Cardenosa, Marta; Marcos-Serrano, Marta; Timón, Rafael; Olcina, Guillermo
| | | | · Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension in Population Aged 16 to 90 Years Old in the Valencia Region, Spain, 2010 Zubeldia Lauzurica, Lourdes; Quiles Izquierdo, Joan; Mañes Vinuesa, Jordi; Redón Más, Josep
| | | | · Visualizing Research Lines in Public Health: An analysis Based on Bibliometric Maps Applied to the Revista Española de Salud Pública (2006-2015) Gálvez, Carmen
| | | | · Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Andalusia, Spain, Determined by Thyroid Hormone Comsumption Escribano-Serrano, José; Mancera-Romero, José; Santos-Sánchez, Vanessa; Payá-Giner, Carolina; Méndez-Esteban, Mª Isabel; García-Bonilla, Antonio; Márquez-Ferrando, Manuela; Hormigo-Pozo, Antonio; Michán-Doña, Alfredo
| | | | · Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity in Schoolchildren from 8 to 9 Years Old. Barcelona, Spain Sánchez-Martínez, Francesca; Torres Capcha, Peter; Serral Cano, Gemma; Valmayor Safont, Sara; Castell Abat, Conxa; Ariza Cardenal, Carles; Grupo de Evaluación del Proyecto POIBA
| | | Revision | | | | · Occupation and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in People in over 55 Years: A Systematic Review, Spain Gracia Rebled, Ana Cristina; Santabárbara Serrano, Javier; López Antón, Raúl; Tomás Aznar, Concepción; Marcos Aragüés, Guillermo
| | | | · Colonial Medicine and Health Campaigns Against Malaria Through the Specialized Journalism in Spain (1929-1954) Barón Cano, Natalia; Mosquera Gordillo, Miguel Armando; Ballester Añón, Rosa
| | | | · A Reliability Generalization Meta-analysis of the Leyton Obsessional Inventory Child Version Survey Form Sánchez-Meca, Julio; Alacid-de-Pascual, Isaac; López-Pina, José Antonio; Cruz Sánchez-Jiménez, Juan de la
| | | Letter | | | | · Brotes epidémicos y situaciones de alerta sanitaria de probable etiología vírica estudiados en el Centro Nacional de Microbiología durante el período 2012-2013 Echevarría Mayo, José Manuel; Avellón Calvo, Ana; Cabrerizo Sanz, María; Casas Flecha, Inmaculada; Echevarría Mayo, Juan Emilio; Ory Manchón, Fernando de; Negredo Antón, Anabel; Pozo Sánchez, Francisco; Sánchez-Seco Fariñas, María Paz; Tarragó Asensio, David; Trallero Masó, Gloria
| | | | · Errores correlacionados y estimación de la fiabilidad en estudios de validación: comentarios al trabajo validación de la escala ehealth literacy (eHEALS) en población universitaria española Dominguez-Lara, Sergio Alexis; Paramio-Pérez, Gema; Almagro, Bartolomé Jesús; Hernando, Ángel; Aguaded, Ignacio
| | | | · Morbidity and healthcare costs: towards a benchmarking? Inoriza, José M; Pérez Berruezo, Xavier; Carreras, Marc; Coderch, Jordi
| | | | · Consideraciones sobre las hospitalizaciones evitables por insuficiencia cardíaca. Variables relacionadas Garcia Sarasola, Ana; Herrera Mateo, Sergio; Rizzi, Miguel; Alquézar Arbé, Aitor
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