| Table of contents Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.93 Madrid 2019 Press Release | | | |
Editorials | | | | · Renovación del Comité Científico de la Revista Española de Salud Pública. Nuevos retos de futuro López Franco, Mª Aranzazu; Latasa Zamalloa, Pello
| | | | · Día Mundial del SIDA (1 de diciembre de 2019). Las comunidades marcar la diferencia Koerting, Ana; Vázquez, María C; Polo, Rosa; Díaz, Asunción; Amo, Julia del
| | | | · Día Internacional de la hepatitis C. Avanzando hacia la eliminación como problema de salud pública en España González Rubio, Raquel; Amo Valero, Julia del; Pineros Andrés, Isabel; Lacruz Gimeno, Patricia; Aparicio Azcárraga, Pilar
| | | | · Día Mundial para la Prevención del Suicidio. Trabajando juntos por su prevención Agra Varela, Yolanda; Suárez Alonso, Andrés; López Franco, Mª Aranzazu; Latasa Zamalloa, Pello
| | | | · Día Mundial Sin Tabaco (31 de mayo de 2019) Gómez-Chacón Galán, Cristina; Perea Aceituno, Dolores; Doncel Barrera, Julio César; Panero Pérez, Javier; Latasa Zamalloa, Pello; López Franco, Mª Aranzazu
| | | | · Semana Europea de la Vacunación (del 22 al 28 de abril de 2019) Latasa Zamalloa, Pello; López Franco, Mª Aranzazu; Limia Sánchez, Aurora; Sánchez Cambronero Cejudo, Laura
| | | Originals | | | | · Fluoride and heavy metals concentration in bottled waters: barrier measures against dental caries and fluorosis Gallego Reyes, Sandra María; Martínez Beneyto, Yolanda; Serna-Muñoz, Clara; Pérez-Silva, Amparo; Cury, Jaime Aparecido; Ortiz Ruiz, Antonio José
| | | | · Epidemiology and sociodemographic characterization of the fibromyalgia in Comunidad Valenciana Cabo-Meseguer, Asensi; Cerdá-Olmedo, Germán; Trillo-Mata, José Luis
| | | | · Monitoring and evaluation of HIV in Catalonia, getting closer to the 90-90-90 objectives Agustí Benito, Cristina; Reyes-Urueña, Juliana; Sentís Fuster, Alexis; Folch Toda, Cinta; Fernàndez-López, Laura; Bruguera Riera, Andreu; López-Corbeto, Evelin; Ferrer Serret, Laia; Conway, Anna; Moreno Fornes, Sergio; Egea-Cortés, Laia; Colom Farran, Joan; Casabona i Barbarà, Jordi
| | | | · Consolidated HIV-AIDS epidemiological surveillance system in Extremadura, period 1980-2018 Cara Rodríguez, Marta; López Tercero-Torvisco, Mª del Mar; Ramos Aceitero, Julián-Mauro
| | | | · Socio-demographic characteristics, indicators of risk and health care in relation to sexual transmission infections in migrant population of Granada Pérez-Morente, Mª Ángeles; Campos-Escudero, Almudena; Sánchez-Ocón, María Teresa; Hueso-Montoro, César
| | | | · Preventive approach to healthy aging by occupational risk prevention services García Candil, Mª Teresa; Lecuona Irigoyen, Ainhoa; Iknurov Mollov, Asan; Ñavincopa Quezada, Ana María; García López, Vega
| | | | · High-risk drug use: epidemiological pattern through hair testing in the forensic context Burgueño, M José; Sánchez, Sergio; Castro, M Ángeles; Mateos-Campos, Ramona
| | | | · Profile of the child seen in the resuscitation room Alonso Sánchez, Iris; Parra Cotanda, Cristina; Melé Casas, María; Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Victoria; Luaces Cubells, Carles
| | | | · Utility of clinical criteria for the adequate diagnosis of the pharingoamigdalitis in the pediatric emergency service Fornes Vivas, Rosa; Robledo Díaz, Luis; Carvajal Roca, Eva; Navarro Juanes, Agustín; Pérez Feito, Carlos
| | | | · Analysis of the determinants of cost savings in traffic accidents on interurban roads in Spain Sánchez González, María Pilar; Escribano Sotos, Francisco; Tejada Ponce, Ángel
| | | | · Predictive variables of serious victims, critical or deceased in traffic accidents in Extremadura, Spain Morales-Gabardino, José Antonio; Redondo-Lobato, Laura; Buitrago-Ramírez, Francisco
| | | | · Experience of "Descansos activos mediante ejercicio (¡Dame 10!)" program implementation in High School Solís Antúnez, Iker
| | | | · Scales for social support for eating habits and exercise: psychometric properties Garcia-Silva, Jaqueline; Navarrete Navarrete, Nuria; Silva-Silva, Daniele; Caparros-Gonzalez, Rafael A; Peralta-Ramírez, María Isabel; Caballo, Vicente E
| | | | · Validation of the "Palliative Care Difficulties Scale (PCDS)" questionnaire in the spanish population about health professionals' difficulties in palliative care Vidal Serrano, Sofía; López Alonso, Sergio R; Fernández Ojeda, María del Rocío; Lacalle Remigio, Juan Ramón
| | | | · Evaluation of satisfaction with pharmacological treatment in people with hypertension López-Torres López, Jesús; Blázquez Abellán, Gemma; López-Torres Hidalgo, María Rosa; Milián García, Rosa María; López Martínez, Consuelo
| | | | · Analysis of factors associated with the comprehensive recovery of stroke patients at acute hospital discharge Olmedo Vega, Verónica; Aguilar Idáñez, Mª José; Arenillas Lara, Juan Francisco
| | | | · Treatment adherence in a hospital emergency service González Peredo, Rebeca; Prieto Salceda, María de los Dolores; Incera Alvear, Isabel María; Fernández Díaz, Fernando; Campos Caubet, Luis; Crespo Hualde, Esther; García-Lago Sierra, Ángel; Ortiz Oficialdegui, Pilar
| | | | · Spanish National Hip Fracture Registry (RNFC): first-year results and comparison with other registries and prospective multi-centric studies from Spain Sáez-López, Pilar; Ojeda-Thies, Cristina; Alarcón, Teresa; Muñoz Pascual, Angélica; Mora-Fernández, Jesús; González de Villaumbrosia, Cristina; Molina Hernández, María Jesús; Montero-Fernández, Nuria; Cancio Trujillo, José Manuel; Díez Pérez, Adolfo; Prieto Alhambra, Daniel; Caeiro Rey, José Ramón; Etxebarria Foronda, Íñigo; Gómez Campelo, Paloma; Pareja Sierra, Teresa; Tarazona-Santabalbina, Francisco José; López-Giménez, Rosario; Otero Puime, Ángel; Navarro-Castellanos, Laura; Queipo Matas, Rocío; Jiménez Mola, Sonia; López-Peña, Tomás; Cassinello Ogea, Concepción; González-Montalvo, Juan I
| | | | · Treatment for children and adolescents with pain in Spain: data from a survey on current specialized programs Miró, Jordi; Reinoso-Barbero, Francisco; Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Martí Yáñez, Lorena
| | | | · Cumulative incidence, comorbility and disability for anxiety disorders in patients of a mutual worker accident Gancedo-García, Ana; Suárez-Gil, Patricio; Santos-Olmo Sánchez, Manuel; Asensio del Hoyo, Pablo
| | | | · Physicians' awareness and assessment of shared decision making in oncology practice Padilla Garrido, Nuria; Aguado Correa, Francisco; Bayo Lozano, Eloísa; Bayo Calero, Juan; Ortega Moreno, Mónica
| | | | · Validation of a questionnaire on attitudes and practice of physical activity and other healthy habits through the Delphi method Andrés García, Irene; Muñoz Moreno, Mª Fe; Ruíz López del Prado, Gema; Gil Sáez, Blanca; Andrés Puertas, Melchor; Almaraz Gómez, Ana
| | | | · Health services utilization in Primary Care in patients with chronic conditions according to risk levels Barrio Cortes, Jaime; Suárez Fernández, Carmen; Bandeira de Oliveira, Mariana; Beca Martínez, María Teresa; Lozano Hernández, Cristina; Cura González, Isabel del
| | | | · Evolution of sexual health in Spanish and Asturian adolescents García Vázquez, José; Quintó Domech, Llorenç; Nascimento, Marcos; Agulló-Tomás, Esteban
| | | | · Aging in a methadone maintenance program. A perspective from the framework of social determinants of health Gutiérrez-Cáceres, Sonsoles; Pedraz-Marcos, Azucena; Serrano-Gallardo, Pilar
| | | | · Satisfaction, index of body mass and its influence on physical self-concept Fernández Guerrero, Manuel; Feu Molina, Sebastián; Suárez Ramírez, Miriam; Suárez Muñoz, Ángel
| | | | · Validation and cross-cultural adaptation to spanish of the parental supervision attributes profile questionnaire: a method for measuring parental supervision Martí Martí, Leyre; Tenías Burillo, Jose María; Graullera Millás, Marta; Fernández Castaño, María Teresa; Barona Zamora, Pascual; Codoñer-Franch, Pilar
| | | | · Tobacco products and related: EU-CEG European Portal Rebollar, Aarón; Perea, María Dolores; Doncel, Julio César; Panero, Javier; Gómez Chacón, Mª Cristina
| | | | · Barriers and motivations perceived by adolescents related to physical activity. Qualitative study through discussion groups Fernández-Prieto, Isabel; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Canet Vélez, Olga
| | | | · Disturbance of the voice in teachers Domínguez-Alonso, José; López-Castedo, Antonio; Núñez-Lois, Sandra; Portela-Pino, Iago; Vázquez-Varela, Elia
| | | | · Health professionals' attitudes against influenza vaccination in a Spanish terciary hospital Queipo-Herías, Yolanda; Sánchez-Zaballos, Marta; Zuazua-Rico, David; Mosteiro-Diaz, Mª Pilar; Maestro-Gonzalez, Alba
| | | | · Influential factors in the quality of prescription in primary care and relation to pharmaceutical expenditure Martínez-Gorostiaga, Javier; Echevarría-Orella, Enrique; Calvo-Hernáez, Begoña
| | | | · National survey on breastfeeding knowledge amongst residents in pediatrics in Spain Gómez Fernández-Vegue, Marta; Menéndez Orenga, Miguel
| | | | · Analysis of non-scheduled consultations in patients with digestive neoplasms Bolaños Naranjo, Matilde; Aviñó Tarazona, Victoria; Jiménez Ruiz, Francisco Javier; Bayo Calero, Juan
| | | | · Effect of risk factor control policies on oral cancer mortality in Latin America Herrera-Serna, Brenda Yuliana; Lara-Carrillo, Edith; Toral-Rizo, Victor Hugo; Amaral, Regiane Cristina do
| | | | · Perceived self-efficacy in patients after a cardiac rehabilitation programme in primary care: a new model of attention Madueño Caro, Antonio José; Mellado Fernández, Manuel Luis; Pardos Lafarga, Manuel; Muñoz Ayllón, Marta; Martín-López, Cristina; Gómez-Salgado, Juan
| | | | · Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines for COPD García Cano, Cristian; Sánchez López, Juan Carlos; Peñalver Peñalver, Ana
| | | | · Impact on success rates among drug-dependent men and women treated in separate therapeutic groups Belzunegui-Eraso, Ángel; Pastor-Gosálbez, Inma
| | | | · Rate of episiotomy in the University Clinical Hospital of Arrixaca and factors that influence in its practice García-Lorca, Ana Isabel; Vigueras-Mártinez, María de los Ángeles; Ballesteros-Meseguer, Carmen; Fernández-Alarcón, María de las Mercedes; Carrillo-García, César; Martínez-Roche, María Emilia
| | | | · Smoking prevalence and health-related lifestyle behaviours according to tobacco use after the smoke-free law in Spain: analysis of Spanish National Health Surveys 2009-2017 García-Mayor, Jesús; Moreno-Llamas, Antonio; Cruz-Sánchez, Ernesto De la
| | | | · The effect of a falls prevention program in elderly people in primary health care. What does Tai Chi practice provide? Muñoz Cobos, Francisca; Alarcón Pariente, Enrique; Gaspar Solanas, Adriana; Méndez Ramos, Marina; Canalejo Echeverría, Alberto; Burgos Varo, Mª Luz
| | | | · Evaluation of the educational material of the cigarette box of the campaigns for the control of tobacco consumption in the municipality of Barbosa, Santander-Colombian González Jiménez, Nubia; Valero Ortiz, Adriana; Rosas Gambindo, Diana; Quiroga Rocha, Jenny; Vargas Rodríguez, Ledmar
| | | | · Approach to the causes of discharge and health needs of transgender people through the National Hospital Discharge Survey in Spain during the period 2001 to 2013 Latasa Zamalloa, Pello; Velasco Muñoz, César; Iniesta Mármol, Carlos; Beltrán Gutierrez, Paula de; Curto Ramos, Javier; Gil Borrelli, Christian-Carlo
| | | | · Temporal trend of premature mortality for external causes in Chile between 1997-2014 San Martín Campos, Catalina; Ponce Castro, Javiera; Proboste Naranjo, Amanda; Yohannessen Vásquez, Karla
| | | | · Local public health services: a descriptive study of the municipalities of Catalonia in 2016 Chamorro, Cati; Díaz-Echenique, Leonardo; Oliván, Jesús; Villalbí, Joan R
| | | | · Use of mobile immunization teams to increase influenza vaccination coverage among heatlthcare workers. A community intervention trial Navalón Ramon, Emili; Martínez Pardo, Inmaculada; Sendra Barbosa, Tamara; Hernández Ferrando, Núria; Morcillo Escudero, Beatriz; Esquer Hernandis, Vicente
| | | | · Immigrants in the Spanish public healthcare system: participative and general healthcare matters Aguilar Gil, Marta; Bleda García, José Mª; Centelles García, Carlos
| | | | · The Hospital Admision Register (CMBD) use for the analisys of hospital aquired pressure ulcer at the region of Valencia (2012-2015) Sanchis-Sánchez, Enrique; Sánchez-Lorente, Montserrat; Salvador-Palmer, Rosario; Cibrián, Rosa; Collado Ruiz, Javier
| | | | · Prevalence of ten Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) in Spain Puig, Lluís; Ruiz de Morales, Jose G; Dauden, Esteban; Andreu, José Luís; Cervera, Ricard; Adán, Alfredo; Marsal, Sara; Escobar, Carina; Hinojosa, Joaquín; Palau, Javier; Arraiza, Antonio; Casado, Paloma; Codesido, María; Pascual, César; Saldaña, Roberto; Gil, Ángel
| | | | · Implementation of the World Physical Activity Day in Catalonia Gónzalez-Viana, Angelina; Ripoll-Redortra, Ruth; Gómez-Santos, Santiago; Violán, Mariona; Rubinat, Maica; Cabezas, Carmen; Grupo de trabajo PAFES
| | | | · Study of prevalence of protection against measles in health workers of Murcia Health Service Galián Muñoz, Inmaculada; Gómez Pellicer, María Dolores; Grau Polán, Marina; Llorach Asunción, Isabel Mª
| | | | · Crisis, Public Spending on Health and Policy Florido Alba, Francisco; García-Agua Soler, Nuria; Martín Reyes, Ángel; García Ruiz, Antonio J
| | | | · Errors of prescription, transcription and administration according to pharmacological group at hospital Jiménez Muñoz, Ana Belén; Martínez Mondéjar, Belén; Muiño Miguez, Antonio; Romero Ayuso, Dulce; Saiz Ladera, Gema María; Criado Álvarez, Juan José
| | | | · Educational intervention in Primary Care to reduce and improve the adequacy of pediatric consultations Vázquez Fernández, Marta Esther; Sanz Almazán, Maria; García Sanz, Susana; Berciano Villalibre, Carmen; Alfaro González, María; Río López, Ana del
| | | | · Gender inequalities in the impacts of informal elderly caregiving in Gipuzkoa: CUIDAR-SE Study Mosquera Metcalfe, Isabel; Larrañaga Padilla, Isabel; Río Lozano, María Del; Calderón Gómez, Carlos; Machón Sobrado, Mónica; García Calvente, María del Mar
| | | | · Primary health care teams management models according to the supplier and the effects on its dynamics in Catalonia Bayona Huguet, Xavier; Romano Sánchez, José; Peris Grao, Antoni
| | | Brief Originals | | | | · Evaluation of a public health program on early HIV diagnosis with quick test Belmonte Gómez, María Antonia; Castillo Soria, Olivia; Ballester Blasco, Josefa; Castro Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Pérez Riquelme, Francisco; Monteagudo Piqueras, Olga
| | | | · Inequality in the management of ischemic chest pain in the emergency department from a gender perspective Pérez Corral, María; Urcola Pardo, Fernando; Fernández Rodrigo, Mª Teresa; Benito Ruiz, Eva; Satústegui Dordá, Pedro José
| | | | · Impact of an intervention to improve the vaccination coverage against streptococcus pneumoniae in hiv patients Hernández-García, Ignacio; Román-Calderón, Francisco; López-Mendoza, Héctor; Aibar-Remón, Carlos; Grupo de Trabajo en vacunas HCULB
| | | | · Syphilis in the health sector of Calatayud (Zaragoza): descriptive study 2013-2017 Monforte Cirac, Mª Luisa; Cebollada Sánchez, Rocío; Martín Fortea, Mª Pilar; Lambán Ibor, Elena; Adiego Monforte, Guillermo
| | | | · Compliance with the partner notification of HIV/STI patients in the counties of Lleida Vilela, Álvaro; Bach, Pilar; Godoy, Pere; Grupo de ITS de Lleida
| | | | · Compliance evaluation of "do not do" recommendations of the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine and public health Pérez Galende, Elena; Ruiz Álvarez, Miguel; Tejedor Romero, Laura; Fernández-Braso Arranz, Ana María; Vinuesa Sebastián, Mercedes; Villagrasa Ferrer, José Ramón
| | | | · Influenza vaccination coverages and related factors among splenectomy patients from a health sector in Zaragoza (Spain) Hernández-García, Ignacio; Chaure-Pardos, Armando; Aibar-Remón, Carlos; Grupo de trabajo vacunas HCULB
| | | | · Evaluation of good practices about breastfeeding in a mother and child hospital Gutiérrez Martínez, Mª del Mar; González Carrión, Pilar; Quiñoz Gallardo, Mª Dolores; Rivas Campos, Antonio; Expósito Ruiz, Manuela; Zurita Muñoz, Antonio José
| | | | · Health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with subacromial syndrome in the Talavera Integrated Area Aceituno-Gómez, Javier; García-Madero, Venancio Miguel; Blázquez-Gamallo, Raquel; Harto-Martínez, Ana María; Mohedano, Alicia; Viñuela, Antonio; Avendaño-Coy, Juan; Gómez-Soriano, Julio; Muñoz-González, Alejandro; González-González, Jaime; Criado-Álvarez, Juan José
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the Death Anxiety Scale in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy López-Castedo, Antonio; González-Rodríguez, Rubén; Vázquez Pérez, Raquel
| | | | · Workers especially sensitive to cardiovascular risk Álvarez-Fernández, Carlos; Vaquero-Abellán, Manuel; Romero-Saldaña, Manuel; Álvarez-López, Carlos
| | | | · Electronic prescription: limitations and possible improvements to ensure greater adherence to treatments García Alfaro, Irene; Carballeira Rodríguez, José Daniel
| | | | · Depression and burden in the caretaking of elderly Hernández Gómez, Mercedes A; Fernández Domínguez, Mª José; Blanco Ramos, Manuel A; Alves Pérez, María Teresa; Fernández Domínguez, Mª Jesús; Souto Ramos, Ana I; González Iglesias, Mª Pilar; Clavería Fontán, Ana
| | | | · Support to smoking regulation in private vehicles and public outdoor spaces Cartanyà-Hueso, Àurea; Lidón Moyano, Cristina; Fu, Marcela; Ballbè, Montse; Martín-Sánchez, Juan Carlos; González-Marrón, Adrián; Matilla-Santander, Nuria; Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M
| | | | · Prevalence of smoke-free homes and passive exposure to tobacco in pediatric population (children from 3 to 36 months) Díez-Izquierdo, Ana; Cassanello Peñarroya, Pia; Cartanyà-Hueso, Àurea; Matilla-Santander, Núria; Martín Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Balaguer Santamaría, Albert; Martínez-Sánchez, José M
| | | | · Tobacco use in pregnancy: prevalence and factors associated with maintenance of consumption Santiago-Pérez, María Isolina; Pérez-Ríos M, Mónica; Malvar Pintos, Alberto; Hervada Vidal, Xurxo
| | | | · Commercial mobile applications in the therapeutic approach to stroke: review in main application repositories and scientific evidence Ortega-Martín, María Esther; Lucena-Antón, David; Luque-Moreno, Carlos; Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos; Moral-Munoz, Jose A
| | | | · Population-based incidence of hospitalised pneumococcal pneumonia in adults with distinct baseline risk strata in Catalonia throughout 2015, the EPIVAC study Vila Córcoles, Ángel; Hospital Guardiola, Inmaculada; Ochoa Gondar, Olga; Vila Rovira, Ángel; Aragón Pérez, María; Satué Gracia, Eva
| | | | · Determinants of influenza vaccination in people over 65 years: 20 years is nothing Sarría-Santamera, Antonio; Rodríguez-Cabrera, Francisco; González Soriano, Patricia; Pinilla Navas, Lorena; Corral Canto, Teresa
| | | | · Effectiveness of annual flu vaccination until week four of season 2018/2019 Gras Valentí, Paula; Algado Sellés, Natividad; Chico Sánchez, Pablo; Cabrera Tejada, Ginger Giorgiana; Rodríguez Díaz, Juan Carlos; Sánchez Payá, José
| | | | · Design and validation of a questionnaire on the attitudes of health professionals towards the official recommendation of influenza vaccination Fernández-Prada, María; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Gil de Miguel, Ángel; Huerta-González, Ismael
| | | | · Assessment of the effectiveness of an intervention to improve immunization coverage in splenectomy patients Hernández-García, Ignacio; Chaure-Pardos, Armando; Aibar-Remón, Carlos; Grupo trabajo vacunas HCULB
| | | | · Wilson disease: the look of medical staff, patients and family members Páramo Rodríguez, Lucía; Zurriaga Llorens, Óscar; González Sanjuán, Mª Eugenia; Cavero Carbonell, Clara
| | | | · Comparative analysis of the nutritional quality of products intended for public children against public adult from packaging Fernández Arce, Lucía
| | | | · Trichinellosis outbreaks in Aragón (1998-2017) Pérez-Pérez, Alejandra; Guimbao Bescós, Joaquín; Cebollada Gracia, Ana Delia; Malo Aznar, Carmen; Martínez Cuenca, Silvia; Aznar Brieba, Amaya; Lázaro Belanche, María Ángeles; Sanz Lacambra, Inmaculada; Compés Dea, Cecilia
| | | Special Collaborations | | | | · The Social Pact for the Non-discrimination and Equal Treatment Associated with HIV development Koerting, Ana; Polo, Rosa; Vázquez, María C; Amo, Julia del
| | | | · Public health and eradication of infection by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Verdejo Ortés, José
| | | | · The rural health physician and the promotion of health: perspectives from Andalusia Barranco Tirado, Juan Francisco
| | | | · Evidence-based design accreditation and certification program for healthcare architecture reaches Spain Cambra-Rufino, Laura; Paniagua-Caparrós, José León; Bedoya-Frutos, César
| | | | · Major health consequences a rising from the continued use of new electronic devices with visual display units González-Menéndez, Eva; López-González, Mª Jesús; González Menéndez, Silvia; García González, Guillermo; Álvarez Bayona, Teresa
| | | | · Presence of microplastics in water and the potential impact on public health Bollaín Pastor, Clara; Vicente Agulló, David
| | | | · Non-caloric sweeteners in pregnancy and lactation Cavagnari, Brian M
| | | | · Smoking control in Spain: current situation and priorities Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; Martínez, Cristina; Valverde, Araceli; Cabezas, Carmen; Fernández, Esteve
| | | | · Indirect methods to estimate hidden population: 2nd part Lorenzo-Ortega, Rocío; Pulido, José; Martínez-Santos, Ana; Ruiz-Pérez, Isabel; Hoyos, Juan; Sordo, Luis
| | | | · Assistance program in quitting tobacco use in Navarra. 25 years on stage Egüés Olazabal, Nerea; Delfrade Osinaga, Iosu; Dominguez Pascual, Sonia; Pérez Jarauta, María José; Nuin Villanueva, Marian; López Andrés, Antonio; Indurain Orduna, Santos; Echauri Ozcoidi, Margarita; Agudo Pascual, Cristina; Cambra Contín, Koldo
| | | | · Comparative normative on sanitary practices of cadaveric preservation in Spain Miguel Moro, José Ignacio de; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Cáceres Monllor, David Antonio; Carrillo Rodríguez, Manuel F
| | | | · Methodology of the 2nd seroprevalence study in Spain Limia Sánchez, Aurora; Labrador Cañadas, María Vicenta; Ory Manchón, Fernando de; Sánchez-Cambronero Cejudo, Laura; Rodríguez Cobo, Iria; Cantero Gudino, Elena; Vázquez Moreno, Julio; Arce Arnáez, Araceli
| | | | · To promote knowledge on patient safety: the case of the Biblioteca Breve de Seguridad del Paciente (Brief Patient Safety Library) García Solano, Marta; Macías Maroto, Marta; Sebastián Viana, Tomás; López Alcalde, Jesús; Sanz Cuesta, Teresa; Aranaz Andrés, Jesús María; Grupo de Divulgación del Conocimiento Científico en Seguridad del Paciente
| | | | · Skin to skin contact after cesarean delivery. Theme update and actuation proposal Costa Romero, Marta; Lalaguna Mallada, Paula; Díaz Gómez, Nuria Marta
| | | Reviews | | | | · Applicability of decision aids in emergency departments: an exploratory review Coronado-Vázquez, Valle; Navarro-Abal, Yolanda; Magallón-Botaya, Rosa; Cerezo Espinosa de los Monteros, Javier; Cruz-Salgado, Óscar; Gómez-Salgado, Juan; Ramírez Durán, Mª del Valle
| | | | · Agression to health care personnel in Spain: a systematic review Serrano Vicente, María Isabel; Fernández Rodrigo, María Teresa; Satústegui Dordá, Pedro José; Urcola Pardo, Fernando
| | | | · Effect of plateletpheresis on the white blood cell count: meta-analysis 1980-2018. Gil-Betacur, Alejandro; Mantilla-Gutierrez, Carmen Yulieth; Cardona-Arias, Jaiberth Antonio
| | | | · Perceptions of sexuality in older people: a systematic review of qualitative studies Torres Mencía, Sara; Rodríguez Martín, Beatriz
| | | | · Healthcare professionals' perceptions and confrontation at patients' end-of-life in emergency departments: A qualitative systematic review Vázquez-García, Daniel; Rica-Escuín, Marisa De la; Germán-Bes, Concepción; Caballero-Navarro, Ana Luisa
| | | | · Why do not pregnant women want to get vaccinated against the flu? A scoping review Medina-Hernández, Nicole Saray; Duarte-Clíments, Gonzalo; Lorido-Muñoz, Raquel; Miranda-Barrero, Estrella; Sánchez-Gómez, María Begoña; Gómez-Salgado, Juan
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Comentarios sobre la utilización de los servicios de salud de atención primaria en los pacientes crónicos según nivel de riesgo Agra Montava, Iván; Hernández Ontiveros, Héctor; Castellà Rovira, Marta; Muñoz Zafra, María Dolores
| | | | · Rol de la enfermera en intervenciones en la cronicidad López Cortacans, Germán; Aragonès, Enric
| | | | · Sobre las fuentes de conocimiento del consumo de drogas y sus consecuencias Miró, Óscar; Galicia, Miguel
| | | | · La investigación enfermera, un esperanzador camino por recorrer Pastor, Antonio Juan
| | | Book Review | | | | · ¿A quién vamos a dejar morir? Sanidad Pública, crisis y la importancia de lo político Segura del Pozo, Javier
| | |