| Table of contents Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol vol.10 n.1 Jan./Mar. 2007 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | | | | Originals | | | | · Factors determining patient satisfaction in kidney replacement treatment Hernández Meca, Mª Encarnación; Ochando García, Antonio; Lorenzo Martínez, Susana; Orbes Cervantes, Pablo; López Revuelta, Katia
| | | | · Creation of a nursing record for haemodialysis in accordance with ISO 9001:2005 Hernández Sánchez, Daniel; Rodríguez Calero, Miguel Ángel; Gutiérrez Navarro, María José; Bolaños Herrezuelo, Gregorio
| | | | · Nursing view of the psychosocial needs of carers of people undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis Andreu Periz, Lola; Gruart Armangué, Paqui; Sánchez-Salido, Lia Tamar
| | | | · Kidney transplant and vascular rejection: Role of nursing in treatment with plasmapheresis peritoneal dialysis Díaz Jurado, Maribel; Díaz Barnet, Ester; Salillas Adot, Esther; Escofet Gómez, Rosa; Julve Ibáñez, Maricel
| | | Bibliography | | | | | | | Letter to the Director | | | | · El profesional de enfermería, por la gestión del riesgo, hacia la seguridad del paciente Gómiz León, Elena
| | | Case History | | | | · Treatment with long-term, daily haemodialysis in a patient diagnosed with serious tumoral calcincosis Fuente García, Isabel; Suárez Guerra, Ana; González Suárez, Mar; Andrés García, Rosa
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