| Table of contents Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol vol.14 n.4 Oct./Dec. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · 2011: Crisis económica y metas pendientes para la enfermería española Crespo Montero, Rodolfo
| | | Originals | | | | · Do we need heparin in the dialyser priming solution? Sánchez Villar, Isidro; Estupiñán Torres, Sara; Ledesma Galindo, David; García de La Cruz Maestro, Nuria; Vera Negrín, Leticia; Ramírez Zuluaga, Isabel Cristina; Álvarez López Ibarra, Pilar; Fuente Rubio, Cristina De La; Abreu Pérez, Jenifer; Álamo Fariña, Davinia; Ortolá Serra, Vicenta; Pérez Fernández, Jesús Rafael
| | | | · Anticoagulation of the extracorporeal circuit sterilized with ethylene oxide and gamma irradiation: is the same dose of heparin needed? Muñoz Pilar, Sonia; San Juan Miguelsanz, Marta Isabel; Conde Gómez, Elena; Gamarra González, Verónica; García Fuentes, Ángela; Matesanz Sanchidrián, Sergio
| | | | · Comparative study of the incidence of bacteraemia related to the haemodialysis catheter: bioconnectrs versus direct connection Cobo Sánchez, José Luis; Sainz Alonso, Rosa Ana; Vicente Jiménez, Mª Yolanda; Cepa García, Hortensia; Pelayo Alonso, Raquel; Menezo Viadero, Raquel; Ibarguren Rodríguez, Emilio; Pérez Garmilla, Ana Isabel; Rojo Tordable, Marina; Begines Ramírez, Ana; Sola García, Mª Teresa; Alonso Nates, Rosa
| | | | · Impact of an intervention aimed at increasing knowledge of kidney disease on the timely commencement of replacement therapy Burgos Jiménez, Emeterio; Meléndez Balderrama, Manuela A.; Meza Coronado, Eduwiges; Agramón Cota, Karla G.; Pereyra Hernández, María C.; Martínez Menchaca, Norma L.
| | | | · Vascular access impact on quality of life of patients treated with hemodialysis Pelayo Alonso, Raquel; Cobo Sánchez, José Luis; Reyero López, Marta; Sáenz de Buruaga Perea, Araceli; Tovar Rincón, Alicia; Alonso Nates, Rosa; Begines Ramírez, Ana; Sola García, Mª Teresa; Cano Gil, Alexandra
| | | | · Metabolic syndrome in peritoneal dialysis Cirera Segura, Francisco; Martín Espejo, Jesús Lucas
| | | Letter to the Director | | | | · Protocol for treatment patients whith chronic kidney disease in primary care Catalán Beloqui, Laura; Mena Mayayo, María; Cerdán Urrutia, Eva; Maestre Lerga, Sandra; Ascorbe Landa, Teresa; Martínez Navarro, Iranzu; Bueno Zamarbide, Itziar; Manrique Escola, Joaquín
| | | | · Sustainability: Haemodialysis versus peritoneal dialysis Fernández García, Eduardo Garoé
| | | | · Repercussion of a care protocol on the prevalence of cather exit wound infection in peritoneal dialysis Gándara Revuelta, Magdalena; Begines Ramírez, Ana; Sola García, Mª Teresa; Alonso Nates, Rosa; Cobo Sánchez, José Luis; Higuera Roldan, Carmen; Ibarguren Rodríguez, Emilio
| | | | · Subcutaneous dracon extrusion as treatment of chronic infection of the catheter exit wound infection in peritoneal dialysis Gómez Castilla, A. Concepción; Páez Antunez, Mª del Castillo; Ojeda Guerrero, Mª Ángeles; Aresté Fonsalba, Nuria; Ramírez López, Miguel Ángel; Fernández Gordillo, Dolores
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