| Table of contents Rev. psicol. trab. organ. vol.33 n.2 Madrid Aug. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Articles | | | | · Maximizing the persuasiveness of a salesperson: An exploratory study of the effects of nonverbal immediacy and language power on the extent of persuasion Gadzhiyeva, Natavan M.; Sager, Kevin L.
| | | | · Relación del estilo de liderazgo transformacional con la salud y el bienestar del empleado: el rol mediador de la confianza en el líder Perilla-Toro, Lyria Esperanza; Gómez-Ortiz, Viviola
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Global Transformational Leadership (GTL) scale Beveren, Patrícia van; Dimas, Isabel Dórdio; Lourenço, Paulo Renato; Rebelo, Teresa
| | | | · Impact of personal competencies and market value of type of occupation over objective employability and perceived career opportunities of young professionals Bargsted, Mariana
| | | | · When and which employees feel obliged: A personality perspective of how organizational identification develops Asadullah, Muhammad Ali; Akram, Ammara; Imran, Hameed; Arain, Ghulam Ali
| | | | · Una aproximación al síndrome de burnout y las características laborales de emigrantes españoles en países europeos Vallejo-Martín, Macarena
| | | | · Crisis económica, salud y bienestar en trabajadores con discapacidad Alcover, Carlos-María; Rodríguez, Fernando; Pastor, Yolanda; Fernández, Juan José; Chambel, Maria José
| | | | · The mediating and moderating role of burnout and emotional intelligence in the relationship between organizational justice and work misbehavior Shkoler, Or; Tziner, Aharon
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