| Table of contents Rev. psicol. trab. organ. vol.37 n.2 Madrid Aug. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Articles | | | | · Heavy-work investment: its dimensionality, invariance across 9 countries and levels before and during the COVID-19's pandemic Shkoler, Or; Rabenu, Edna; Iqbal, Muhammad Zahid; Ferrari, Filippo; Hatipoglu, Burcin; Roazzi, Antonio; Kimura, Takuma; Tabak, Filiz; Moasa, Horia; Vasiliu, Cristinel; Tziner, Aharon; Lebron, Mariana J
| | | | · The link between authentic leadership, organizational dehumanization and stress at work Sainz, Mario; Delgado, Naira; Moriano, Juan A
| | | | · How contextual performance influences perceptions of personality and leadership potential Sante, Danilo R Le; Eaton, Asia A; Viswesvaran, Chockalingam
| | | | · Social support and well-being among eelocating women: the mediating roles of resilience and optimism Sagi, Limor; Bareket-Bojmel, Liad; Tziner, Aharon; Icekson, Tamar; Mordoch, Tair
| | | | · Meta-analytic examination of a suppressor effect on subjective well-being and job performance relationship Moscoso, Silvia; Salgado, Jesús F
| | | | · Type D personality individuals: exploring the protective role of intrinsic job motivation in burnout Cuadrado, Esther; Tabernero, Carmen; Fajardo, Cristina; Luque, Bárbara; Arenas, Alicia; Moyano, Manuel; Castillo-Mayén, Rosario
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