| Table of contents CPD vol.12 n.1 Murcia Jun. 2012 Press Release | | | |
Articles | | | | · Psychological Skills Training Program in High Performance Volleyball Players Reyes Bossio, Mario; Raimundi, María Julia; Gomez Correa, Luis
| | | | · Influence of environment on persistence in the sport physical activity Sánchez Miguel, Pedro Antonio; Leo Marcos, Francisco Miguel; Sánchez Oliva, David; Amado Alonso, Diana; García Calvo, Tomás
| | | | · Validation of an instrument to assess student learning perception and level of enjoyment in physical education: The traffic light Palao Andrés, José Manuel; Hernández Hernández, Elena
| | | | · Relationship Between Cohesion and Leadership in Sport Teams of the Boyacá´s Department, Colombia Losada López, Erika; Carolina Rocha, Diana; Castillo, Liliana
| | | | · Motives of Doprout and Non Practice Physical Activity and Sport in Spanish Adolescents: The Avena Study Martínez Baena, Alejandro César; Chillón, Palma; Martín-Matillas, Miguel; Pérez López, Isaac; Castillo, Ruth; Zapatera, Belén; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán; Casajús, José Antonio; Álvarez-Granda, Lino; Romero Cerezo, Cipriano; Tercedor, Pablo; Delgado-Fernández, Manuel
| | | | · IT Program for Use in Methodology Observacional Hernández Mendo, Antonio; López López, José Antonio; Castellano Paulis, Julen; Morales Sánchez, Verónica; Pastrana Brincones, José Luis
| | | | · Statement of Enrollment, Retention and Satisfaction in a Physical Activity Program for Women Over Maintenance Blázquez Manzano, Alberto; Feu Molina, Sebastián
| | | | · Influence of Contextual Factors in High Performance Sport in Socio-Affective Bonds Among Female Basketball Players Díez Flórez, Gloria Mª; Requena Hernández, Mª del Carmen; Zubiaur González, Marta
| | | | · Sport Career Transition to a New Life Context: Current Perspectives Carlin, Maicon; Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz, Enrique
| | | | · Department of Psychology of Club Atlético de Madrid: Philosophy and Performance Management Program in Grassroots García-Naveira Vaamonde, Alejo; Jerez Villanueva, Pilar
| | | | · When must coaches intervene in the direction of Volleyball match?: Possible psychological interventions during the different competitive phases of a match Díaz Rodríguez, Joaquín; Díaz Ceballos, Isabel
| | | Suplemento XIII Congreso Nacional y I Foro Mediterraneo de Psicología de la Actividad Física y del Deporte | | | | · Characteristics in the Personality of Young Basketball Players (15 and under) Marín, Ana Alicia; Piñar, Mª Isabel; Camacho, Pablo; Brox, Vicente; Miranda-León, Mª Teresa; Suárez-Cadenas, Ernesto; Alarcón, Francisco; Cárdenas, David
| | | | · Edorexia and Sport: A Conception of the Obesity and Craving Food López Morales, José Luis; Garcés de los Fayos Ruiz, Enrique Javier
| | | | · Controlling Coach Interpersonal Style, Basic Psychological Need Thwarting, and Burnout in Young Soccer Players Castillo, Isabel; González, Lorena; Fabra, Priscila; Mercé, Juan; Balaguer, Isabel
| | | | · Management of the Quality Across the Plataform MEMPAS Hernández Mendo, Antonio; Morales Sánchez, Verónica; González Ruiz, Sergio Luis
| | | | · Influence of Group Identity in Cohesion: Preliminary Study Bohórquez, M. Rocío; Lorenzo, Macarena; Bueno, M. Reyes; Garrido, Miguel Á.
| | | | · Changes on a Cognitive Level as a Mechanism Underlying the Self Talk´s Effects on Performance Latinjak, Alexander T.; Torregrosa, Miquel; Renom, Jordi
| | | | · New Technologies in Sports Management: Computerizing the CECASDEP: (Questionnaire of Evaluation of the Quality Perceived in Sports Services) Morales-Sánchez, Verónica; Gálvez Ruiz, Pablo
| | | | · Prevention and Detection of the Disorders of Food in Athletes of High Performance (CAR, CEARE and CTD) Dosil Díaz, Joaquín; Díaz Ceballos, Isabel; Viñolas Ramisa, Anna; Díaz Fernández, Olga
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