Editorial |
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| · Nuevos tiempos, nuevos aires..., alcanzando la excelencia Olmedilla, Aurelio; González, Juan; Torres, Gema; Garcés de los Fayos, Enrique J.; Ortín, Francisco J.; Ortega, Enrique; Jara, Pedro
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Psicología del Deporte |
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| · The effects of a motor program based in the biodanza in relation to emotional intelligence parameters in women Abad Robles, Manuel Tomás; Castillo Viera, Estefanía; Orizia Pérez, Ana Celia
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| · Perception of the students of physical education of the UISEK of Chile towards his teachers Cea Morales, Sebastián; Véliz Véliz, Carlos; Aravena Garrido, Cristián; Maureira Cid, Fernando
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| · Burnout in athletes: prevalence of the syndrome through two measures De Francisco, C.; Garcés de los Fayos, E.J.; Arce, C.
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| · Psychological factors related to intent to leave the musical teaching of performance professional García-Dantas, Ana; González, Juan; González, Francisco
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| · Anxiety sensitivity and choking under pressure: effects on sport performance in adolescents Molina, José; Sandín, Bonifacio; Chorot, Paloma
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| · Influence of sports injury changes in mood and precompetitive anxiety in soccer players Olmedilla, Aurelio; Ortega, Enrique; Gómez, José María
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| · Emotional regulation in team sports: an approach to the modulation of emotional states in competitive situations Oriol Granado, Xavier; Gomila Andreu, Miquel; Filella Guiu, Gemma
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Ciencias del Deporte |
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| · Rate of perceived exertion as a useful tool during a football competition in young soccer players Calahorro Cañada, Fernando; Torres-Luque, Gema; Lara-Sánchez, Amador J.
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| · Biofeedback in activation control in tennis: a case study from the IZOF model Rodríguez-Salazar, Mª. Clara; Noreña, Marcela; González, Olga I.
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| · Women in sports newspapers: two patterns Sainz de Baranda Andújar, Clara
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| · Subjective levels of stress-recovery in athletes Costarican high performance Sánchez Ureña, M.Sc. Braulio; Ureña Bonilla, Pedro; Calleja González, Julio
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| · Physical activity and perceived health in patients with coronary artery disease Stein, A. C.; Molinero, O.; Salguero, A.; Corrêa, M. C. R.; Márquez, S.
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| · Prediction of life satisfaction in practicing healthy exercise Torregrosa, Daniel; Belando, Noelia; Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio
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Reseñas |
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| · Voleibol: entrenamiento psicológico para la recepción y la defensa de segunda línea Costa, Venancio; González, Juan
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| · La readaptación físico-deportiva de lesiones: aplicación práctica metodológica Abenza Cano, Lucía
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