Editorial |
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| · Ser humano en movimiento García de Alcaraz Serrano, Antonio
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Psicología del Deporte |
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| · Adaptation and validation of a questionnaire to assess motivation in the sport context Pulido González, Juan José; Sánchez-Oliva, David; González-Ponce, Inmaculada; Amado Alonso, Diana; Montero Carretero, Carlos; García-Calvo, Tomás
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| · How to distinguish between young athletes who intend to continue playing sports and those who do not intend to continue doing it? Dias, Cláudia; Corte-Real, Nuno; Barreiros, André; Brustad, Robert; Fonseca, António Manuel
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| · Development and preliminary psychometric characteristics of the PODIUM questionnaire for recreational marathon runners Larumbe, E.; Perez-Llantada, M.C.; Lopez de la Llave, A.; Buceta, J.M.
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| · Mood states of pre-competitive and sports results in cantabrian bowling players Díaz, J.; Gutiérrez, J.N.; Hoyos, J.A.
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| · Fear of failure and self-determined motivation among adolescent students Silveira Torregrosa, Yolanda; Moreno Murcia, Juan Antonio
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| · Anger intensity in boxing and kickboxing practitioners: differences based on discipline and competitive level Menéndez Santurio, José Ignacio; Fernández-Río, Javier
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Ciencias del Deporte |
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| · Effects of a small sided games program on rate of perceived exertion in a sample of teenage girls Martín Martínez, Inmaculada; Reigal Garrido, Rafael Enrique; Chirosa Ríos, Luis Javier; Hernández Mendo, Antonio; Chirosa Ríos, Ignacio; Martín Tamayo, Ignacio; Guisado Barrilao, Rafael
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| · Weight cutting and competition effects on mood state profile on combat sports Martínez-Abellán, Alberto; Morán-Navarro, Ricardo; López-Gullón, José María; Pallarés, Jesús G.; Cruz-Sánchez, Ernesto de la; Ortín, Francisco
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| · Relationship between young soccer players' tactical knowledge and age, experience and level of expertise Serra-Olivares, Jaime; García-López, Luis M.; Calderón, Antonio; Cuevas-Campos, Ricardo
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| · Spanish version of the Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale in Physical Education of secondary school Baena-Extremera, Antonio; Granero-Gallegos, Antonio; Martínez-Molina, Marina
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| · Effect of the tester level of experience on the criterion-related validity and inter-session reliability of five different ankle dorsal flexion range of motion measures Gómez-Jiménez, Fernando; Ayala, Francisco; Cejudo, Antonio; Sainz de Baranda, Pilar; Santonja, Fernando
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| · Portuguese version of the Physical Education State Anxiety Scale: psychometric properties and its association with gender, age and extracurricular physical activity Lima, Flávia; Saavedra, Francisco; Fernandes, Helder Miguel; Lazuras, Lambros; Barkoukis, Vassilis
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| · A bibliometric review of the scientific production in handball Prieto, Jaime; Gómez, Miguel-Ángel; Sampaio, Jaime
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Monográfico "Actualidad de la investigación en Ciencias del Deporte aplicadas al baloncesto" |
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| · How infractions to the rules are influenced by the teaching of minibasket from teaching its rules Fernández-Ozcorta, E.J.; Vizcaíno, C.; Sáenz-López, P.; Rebollo, J.A.
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| · Training effects in repeated sprint ability (RSA) in basketball referees Bayón, P.; Vaquera, A.; García-Tormo, J.V.; Dehesa, R.
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| · Design, reliability and validity the SOCCB observational instrument to analyze offence's completion in basketball Muñoz Arroyave, Verónica; Serna Bardavío, Jorge
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| · Effects of attendance, crowd density and capacity of arena in home advantage according to NBA conference García Rubio, Javier; Cañadas Alonso, María; Antúnez Medina, Antonio
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| · Exploring collective spatial distribution in basketball Tiago Esteves, Pedro; Lima Arede, Jorge
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| · Basketball World Champions: determinant factor for excellence performance Galatti, Larissa R.; Paes, Roberto R.; Machado, Gisele V.; Montero Seoane, Antonio
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| · Influence of defense system on basketball shooting success Serna Bardavío, Jorge; Muñoz Arroyave, Verónica
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| · Evolution of physical characteristics in mid level young basketball players Calleja-González, Julio; Cámara Tobalina, Jesús; Martínez-Santos, Raúl; Mejuto, Gaizka; Terrados, Nicolás
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| · Analysis of the behavior of coaches in basketball after shot Longarela Pérez, Benjamín; Fernández Romero, Juan José; Saavedra García, Miguel
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| · May the multiple dominances principle improve the percentage average in the basketball shot? Lopez-Diaz, C.J.; Niño García, N.; Sillero Quintana, M.; Lorenzo Calvo, A.
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| · Influence of an intervention program on the behaviors of basketball coaches in youth categories Longarela Pérez, Benjamín; Montero Seoane, Antonio
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| · Using didactic materials to promote educational values in basketball young teams Ortega Vila, Gema; Giménez Fuentes-Guerra, Francisco Javier; Jiménez Sánchez, Ana Concepción; Jiménez Martín, Pedro Jesús; Durán González, Luis Javier; Franco Martín, Jorge
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| · Wheelchair basketball player performance by game statistics Pérez-Tejero, Javier; Pinilla Arbex, Javier
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| · Relative age effect in lower categories of fiba basketball world championships (1979-2011) Saavedra García, Miguel; Gutiérrez Aguilar, Óscar; Galatti, Larissa; Fernández Romero, Juan J.
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| · Changes in muscular architecture and execution velocity during squats performed using the VersaPulley under stable and unstable conditions in junior elite basketball players Vázquez-Guerrero, Jairo; Moras, Gerard
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| · Adaptation and validation of the CBAS for observing motivational climates Rodríguez-Peláez, Diego; Garrido, Pablo; Conde, Cristina; Almagro, Bartolomé J.
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Recensiones Bibliográficas |
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| · Flow(fluir) en el fútbol: todo puede fluir en el fútbol, sólo hay que entrenarlo Jaenes Sánchez, José Carlos
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| · Miedo a fallar en el deporte Checa Esquiva, Irene
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| · Avances en psicología del deporte Díaz Rodríguez, Joaquín
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