| Homenaje al profesor Dionisio Manga Rodríguez: contribuciones al desarrollo de la neuropsicología del siglo XX y XXI
Table of contents Acción psicol. vol.11 n.1 Madrid Jan./Jun. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Introduction to the monograph: tribute to professor Manga Dionisio Rodríguez: contributions to the development of neuropsychology Twentieth and Twenty-first Bausela Herrer, Esperanza
| | | Artículos del monográfico | | | | · Selective attention modulates information processing and implicit memory Ballesteros, Soledad
| | | | · Executive function: notions of development from a neuropsychologial perspective Bausela Herreras, Esperanza
| | | | · Executive function: unity-diversity and developmental trajectories Bausela Herreras, Esperanza
| | | | · Children gait development as a learning process Martín Casas, Patricia; Meneses Monroy; Beneit Montesinos, Juan Vicente; Atín Arratibel, M.ª Ángeles
| | | | · PEN, Big Five and problem behaviour in the adolescence Abella, Víctor; Bárcena, Carmen
| | | | · Initial battery luria and development of higher psychological functions Ramírez Benítez, Yaser
| | | | · A review of rating scales for measuring behavior change due to brain injury and treatment for these changes Martín de la Huerga, Natalia; Muriel, Vega; Aparicio-López, Celeste; Sánchez-Carrión, Rocío; Roig Rovira, Teresa
| | | | · Visuospatial neglect: clinical, theoretical, and treatment aspects Aparicio-López, Celeste; García-Molina, Alberto; Enseñat-Cantallops, Antonia; Sánchez-Carrión, Rocío; Muriel, Vega; Tormos, José María; Roig-Rovira, Teresa
| | | | · Cognitive deficits and therapeutic approaches in children with cerebral palsy Muriel, Vega; Ensenyat, Antonia; García-Molina, Alberto; Aparicio-López, Celeste; Roig-Rovira, Teresa
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