| Selection of articles
Table of contents Acción psicol. vol.12 n.1 Madrid Jan./Jun. 2015 Press Release | | | |
Analysis of the attributions of guardianship and child custody in judicial rulings Rodríguez-Domínguez, Carles; Jarne, Adolfo; Carbonell, Xavier
| | Conceptions about child-to-parents violence in social services: an exploratory study Moral Arroyo, Gonzalo Del; Varela Garay, Rosa María; Suárez Relinque, Cristian; Muaitu Ochoa, Gonzalo
| | Is it possible to enhance the physical self-concept of university students' using a cognitive intervention? Axpe, Inge; Infante Borinaga, Guillermo; Fernández Zabala, Arantza
| | Retirement self efficacy, retirement intentions and life satisfaction among workers aged 40 and over Valero Ibánez, Encarna; Segura, Adrián; Topa Cantisano, Cabriela
| | A random generation task with minimum memory requirements for mild Alzheimer's disease García-Viedma, M.ª Rosario; Fernández-Guinea, Sara; Martos, Rafael; Ortega Martínez, Ana Raquel
| | A random generation task with minimum memory requirements for mild Alzheimer's disease García-Viedma, M.ª Rosario; Fernández-Guinea, Sara; Martos, Rafael; Ortega Martínez, Ana Raquel
| | Effect of style teaching in the motivation of women practitioners of physical exercise Joseph Polyte, Paulette J.; Belando, Noelia; Huéscar, Elisa; Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio
| | Do parental styles and parents' Emotional Intelligence influence their children's emotional development in kindergarten school? Ramírez-Lucas, Ana; Ferrando, Mercedes; Sainz, Ana
| | Confirmatory factor analysis: recommendations for unweighted least squares method related to Chi-Square and RMSEA Type I error Morata-Ramírez, M.ª A.; Holgado-Tello, Francisco P.; Barbero-García, Isabel; Mendez, Gonzalo
| | Adoption and LGTB families: the attitudes of professionals in a Spanish sample Fernández Molina, Milagros; Alarcón, Elena
| | Has the Traditional Social Perception on Nurses Changed?: attribution of Stereotypes and Gender Roles Aranda, María; Castillo-Mayén, María del Rosario; Montes-Berges, Beatriz
| | Comparison of Drivers' Aggression Frequency on and off the Road According to the Propensity to Experience Anger While driving Herrero-Fernández, David
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