Monographic Articles |
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| · Introduction to the monografhic. Childhood and adolescence. Protective and vulnerability factors Mestre, M. Vicenta
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| · Empathy in adolescence. Relations with prosocial moral reasoning, prosocial behavior and aggression Tur-Porcar, Ana; Llorca, Anna; Malonda, Elisabeth; Samper, Paula; Mestre, María V.
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| · Adaptación en la infancia: influencia del estilo parental y del estado de ánimo Montoya-Castilla, Inmaculada; Prado-Gascó, Vicente; Villanueva-Badenes, Lidón; González-Barrón, Remedios
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| · Positive emotions and empathy as promotors of prosocial behavior and inhibitors of aggressive behavior Richaud, María Cristina; Mesurado, Belén
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| · Posturas éticas y empatía, predictores de prosocialidad y de penalización de faltas y delitos Rodríguez, Lucas Marcelo; Moreno, José Eduardo
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| · Anti-social behavior in adolescents and Young adults: Prevalence in the Basque Country and differences as a function of socio-demographic variables Garaigordobil, Maite; Maganto, Carmen
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| · Relationship between family functioning and exposure to violence among Mexican adolescents Gallegos-Guajardo, Julia; Ruvalcaba-Romero, Norma A.; Castillo-López, Jesús; Ayala-Díaz, Paulina C.
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| · Socioemotional competences and perception of the community versus the aggressive behavior in adolescents living in risky environments Ruvalcaba-Romero, Norma A.; Murrieta-Cummingsy, Patricia; Arteaga-Velázquez, Alejandra
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| · Anthropometric variables, eating habits and diets in adolescents and youth: Sex differences Maganto, Carmen; Garaigordobil, Maite; Kortabarria, Lorea
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| · Development of a Scale to assess Personality Resources associated with Children's Resilience Lemos, Viviana; Krumm, Gabriela; Gutierrez, Marisel; Arán-Filippetti, Vanessa
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| · Children's perfectionism: a normalization of an argentinian scale for its measure Oros, Laura B.; Vargas-Rubilar, Jael
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Other Articles |
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| · Escala de mitos en duelo. Relación con el estilo de afrontamiento evitativo y validación psicométrica Bermejo, Jose Carlos; Villacieros, Marta; Fernandez-Quijano, Invencion
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| · Effects of subjective and psychological well - being on the therapeutic outcomes at a day hospital Navascués, Adolfo; Calvo-Medel, David; Bombin-Martín, Asier
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| · Sobre la desensibilización sistemática. Una técnica superada o renombrada Vallejo-Slocker, Laura; Vallejo, Miguel A.
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| · Identificación con los trabajadores mayores y absentismo: moderación de la Selección, Optimización y Compensación Segura, Adrián; Topa, Gabriela
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