| Table of contents Acción psicol. vol.17 n.2 Madrid Jul./Dec. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Selection of articles | | | | · Sexual attitudes of gifted persons Carrillo-Romero, M Pilar; López-de la Llave, Andrés; Sánchez, Eva; Pérez-Llantada, M Carmen
| | | | · Attachment in old age, a dimension to take into account Quiroga-Méndez, M Pilar
| | | | · Bariatric patient's psychological profile: a description. Childhood obesity, attachment and satisfaction with their couple relationship Merino-Díaz, Paola; Benítez-Hernández, M Mar; Arias, M Ángeles; Borda-Mas, Mercedes; Luque-Budia, Asunción
| | | | · Self-Concept Clarity Scale: adaptation and validation for its use with adolescents from Argentina Molina, María Fernanda; Celsi, Ignacio; Schmidt, Vanina
| | | | · Schooling and training in the Problem Solving Model for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus Rodríguez-Soriano, Yolanda; Martínez-Stack, Jorge; Rodríguez-Campuzano, Mª de Lourdes; Rosales-Arellano, Antonio
| | | | · Spanish Adaptation of the Anxiety Scale for Children with ASD (ASC ASD-P) Beneytez-Barroso, Carmen; Del Pozo-Armenti, Araceli; García-Villamisar, Domingo; Rodgers, Jacqui
| | | | · Definition and competences of spiritual intelligence. Qualitative study Martín-Sánchez, Antonia; Rodríguez-Zafra, Mónica; Ceniceros-Estévez, Juan Carlos
| | | | · The study of spiritual intelligence II: an instrument for evaluating their competence performance Martin-Sánchez, Antónia; Rodríguez-Zafra, Mónica; Ceniceros-Estévez, Juan Carlos
| | | | · For what reasons do students strive in primary education?: a study of motivational orientation by course and sex Galindo-Domínguez, Héctor; Pegalajar-Méndez, Maitane
| | | | · Coronary patients talking about nutritional risks: NutriScore labeling and vending machines in hospitals Ferreira-Díaz, M José; Laguía, Ana; Topa, Gabriela
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