Clínica |
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| · The underlying intrinsic factors of infections at hospital and perinatal death Chaves Ribeiro, Iara; Costa Aguiar, Beatriz Gerbassi
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| · Valuation of the adhesion in the follow-up of the diabetic patients and the use of the nurse language Castillo Arevalo, Fernanda del; Salido González, Margarita; Losada García, Adamina; García García, Mercedes; Fernández Prieto, Teresa; Blanco Gutiérrez, Mª Luz
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| · Observational study of validation of nursing diagnosis anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure Dantas Cavalcanti, Ana Carla; Vellozo Pereira, Juliana de Melo; Maciel dos Santos, Renata Oliveira; Andrade Vieira, Glaucia Cristina; Ferreira Santana, Rosimere; da Silva Correia, Dayse Mary; Queluci, Gisella de Carvalho
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| · Self-care capability of the patients in peritoneal dialysis: a pilot study in Bogotá Carrillo Algarra, Ana Julia; Díaz, Flor Janeth
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| · The communication nurse-patient in treatment at the emergency services 24 hours: an interpretation in Travelbee Rocha Oliveira, Thalita; Faria Simões, Sonia Mara
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Docencia e Investigación |
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| · The Development of Autonomy in Young Patients with Spina Bifida: what the youngsters and their parents/careers say Caseiro, Joel; Gonçalves, Tânia; Malheiro, Mª Isabel
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| · Meanings of the university links-community for actors involved in community nursing chair of the dean of science university health Centrocidental "Lisandro Alvarado" Camejo Giménez, Rafael Alejandro; Rebolledo Malpica, Dinora Margarita
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| · The anatomic relationship involved in the administration of medication via the intramuscular route: a field of study of nurses Da Silva, Paulo Sérgio; Vaz Vidal, Selma
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| · Self-care agency ability and factors related to the agency in people with heart failure of Medellin (Colombia) Rodríguez Gázquez, Mª de los Ángeles; Arredondo Holguín, Edith; Salamanca Acevedo, Yurany Andrea
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Administración-Gestión-Calidad |
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| · Characterization of the personal aggressions caused emergency medical service in a regional hospital Ortells Abuyé, Nativitat; Muñoz Belmonte, Teresa; Paguina Marcos, Marta; Morató Lorente, Isabel
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| · Quality of life of professionals in a surgical center Fernandes Stumm, Eniva Miladi; De Mattos Nogueira, Gabriela; Kirchner, Rosane Maria; Guido, Laura de Acevedo; Ubessi, Liamara Denise
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| · Training for home care service staff and its benefits to users/patients Simonelli Muñoz, Agustín Javier; Solano García, Lidia; Campillo Cano, María
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| · Leadership in Nursing vision Leaders Souza e Souza, Luis Paulo; Ferreira Cordeiro, Ana Lúiza; Nunes de Aguiar, Rodrigo; Veloso Dias, Orlene; Vieira, Mª Aparecida; Ramos, Laís Helena
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| · Life quality measurement through the QLQ-C30 questionnaire in subjects with different cancer types in the city of Bucaramanga-Colombia Cruz Bermudez, Harold Fabián; Moreno Collazos, Jorge Enrique; Angarita Fonseca, Adriana
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Reflexión-Ensayos |
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| · Rise and development of the History of Nursing in Spain García García, Inmaculada; Gozalbes Cravioto, Enrique
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| · Evidence of the Art in Nursing Contreras Ibacache, Víctor
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Revisiones |
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| · The relation of biosafety at the cost-effectiveness in hospitalizations: nexus with the permanent instruction Lopes Joaquim, Fabiana; Cavalcanti Valente, Geilsa Soraia
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| · Preventive Measures to Avoid Health Complications from the use of catheters in patients with Spinal Cord Injury Torres Alaminos, Mª Angustias
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| · The importance of social-emotional support in adolescents and young adults with chronic disease: : a literature review Schütz Balistieri, Aline; Mara de Melo Tavares, Claudia
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| · The emancipatory paradigm and its influence on the development of nursing knowledge Ramírez Elizondo, Noé Alberto; Quintana Zavala, Mª Olga; Sanhueza Alvarado, Olivia; Valenzuela Suazo, Sandra Verónica
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| · Statistical analysis of ordinal scales: Field applications of Pediatrics and Child Health Santos Curado, Mª Alice; Vitorino Teles, Júlia Maria; Marôco, João
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Enfermeria y Perspectivas de Género |
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| · Experiences in a support group for mothers with children under a year Berlanga Fernández, Sofía; Pérez Cañaveras, Rosa Mª; Vizcaya Moreno, Mª Flores; Berlanga Fernández, Francisco; González López, Noelia Antonia
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| · The work performed by the childbirth midwives: an integrative review Pimenta, Deborah Giovana; Azevedo Cunha, Marcela; de Andrade Barbosa, Thiago Luis; de Oliveira e Silva, Carla Silvana; Mourão Xavier Gomes, Ludmila
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