Clínica |
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| · Valuation of the pattern of sexuality: comprehensive attention of the people's health Navarro Sarabia, Julia Isabel; Rodríguez López, Carolina Mª; Garrido Fernández, Pablo; Rosa Herrera, Encarnación de la; Moreno Martínez, Antonia; Robles López, Antonia
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| · Complications in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Barbosa, Maria Helena; Moreira, Tassiana Márcia; Tavares, Jordânia Lumênia; Andrade, Érica Vieira de; Bitencourt, Marina Nolli; Freitas, Kariny Beatriz Caiado de; Cardoso, Gabriela Lucas
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| · Perceived barriers and physical activity level in older adults from Aguascalientes, Ags.: a cross-sectional study Andrade Osorio, Érika; Padilla Raygoza, Nicolás; Ruiz Paloalto, Mª Laura
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| · Nursing educational interventions in outpatients with heart failure Cañón, Montañez; Wilson y Oróstegui Arenas, Myriam
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| · AIDS antiviral therapy in adults over 50 years old: non adherents' prevalence and classification Mello Padoin, Stela Maris de; Cardoso de Paula, Cristiane; Spiegelberg Zuge, Samuel; Ferreira Langendorf, Tassiane; Pacheco dos Santos, Érika Eberline; Ribeiro Primeira, Marcelo
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Docencia e Investigación |
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| · Health workers and their meanings towards the adhesion to the tuberculosis treatment Muñoz Sánchez, Alba Idaly; Cruz Martínez, Óscar Andrés; Rubiano Mesa, Yurian Lida
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| · Attendance in a basic health unit: study with focus on the sexual health of adolescents from the county of Rio Grande/RS Oliveira Gomes, Vera Lúcia de; Ferreira Acosta, Daniele; Silva, Camila Daiane; Martins Pinheiro, Taimara; Silva Souza, Catharine
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| · Stress and related factors in psychiatric hospitalization personal health: a study of prevalence Piñeiro Fraga, María
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| · Familiar general health: breast feeding women's families Villamaria (Caldas), Colombia Betancurth Loaiza, Diana Paola; Amaya Rey, María Consuelo del Pilar
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Administración-Gestión-Calidad |
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| · Evaluation of user satisfaction of nursing consultation in health centers based on quality and technical communication indicators Dios Guerra, Caridad; Alba Dios, Mª Antonia; Ruiz Moral, Roger; Jiménez García, Celia; Pérula de Torres, Luis Ángel; Rodríguez Borrego, Mª Aurora
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| · Car emergency: availability of essential items in a hospital emergency norteriograndense Da Silva, Hilderjane C.; Da Silva, Alanny K.M.; Dantas, Rodrigo A.N.; Pessoa, Renata L.; Menezes, Rejane M.P.
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| · Searching for information on health through internet Villaescusa Martínez, Víctor; Sáez Villar, Lorena
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| · Shift change mapping the perspective of nursing professionals Llapa Rodriguez, Eliane Ofelia; Oliveira, Cleiton da Silva; França, Tâmara Raylane Santos de; Andrade, Joseilze Santos de; Pontes de Aguiar Campos, Maria; Pinto da Silva, Flávia Janólio Costacurta
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| · Stress perception in Nursing students facing their clinical practices Moya Nicolás, María; Larrosa Sánchez, Sandra; López Marín, Cristina; López Rodríguez, Irene; Morales Ruiz, Lidia; Simón Gómez, Ángela
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Reflexión-Ensayos |
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| · Nursing contribution to psychophysiologic disorders of the working woman Vílchez Barboza, Vivian; Paravic Klijn, Tatiana; Valenzuela Suazo, Sandra
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| · It is possible to assess the quality of scientific journals?: major constraints Sobrido Prieto, Natalia; Sobrido Prieto, María
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Revisiones |
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| · The answer is in nature: "micronutrients: the vitamins, therapeutic agents in wounds" Carrera Castro, Carmen
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| · Nursing care in prison by Waldow: between the profesional and the affectionate Souza Santo, Fernanda; Cavalcanti Valente, Geilsa Soraia; Souza, Lídia Marina do Carmo; Caldeira dos Santos, Mauro Leonardo Salvador; Silva dos Santos, Ivanlésio; Schwartz, Maria da Penha
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| · A challenge to professionals in infection control: nurse's lack of compliance with prevention and control measures Ferreira Fernandes da Silva, Elisabete; Marinho Chrizostimo, Miriam; Lopes de Azevedo, Suely; Ferreira de Souza, Deise; Souza Braga, André Luiz de; Lima, Jorge Luiz
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| · Experiences and feelings endured during a high-risk pregnancy: a documental study 2005-2011 Laza Vasquez, Celmira; Quintero Sánchez, Jimena; Jiménez Caicedo, Hasbleidy Johana; Preciado Parrado, Javier Alexander
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| · Integrative Review on bioethical issues related to the elderly: aspects relevant to nursing Leite Funchal Camacho, Alessandra Conceição; Costa Santos, Renata
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Enfermeria y Perspectivas de Género |
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| · Identifying Rural Sexual Assault Service strengths, concerns and educational needs in rural and Aboriginal communities Alberta, Canada Jakubec, Sonya L.; Carter-Snell, Catherine J.; Ofrim, Jenny; Skanderup, Judy
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| · Breastfeeding problems prevention in early breast feeding through effective technique Fernández Medina, Isabel María; González Fernández, Carmen Támara
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