| Table of contents Enferm. glob. vol.22 n.70 Murcia Apr. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Originals | | | | · Self-efficacy, self-esteem and engagement among Peruvian nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Ventura-Egoávil, Jose; Sosa-Huichi, Alexander
| | | | · Hopelessness in women deprived of liberty and their defense with symptoms of depression and anxiety Quintela-Cavalcante-dos Santos, Thainara Cristina; Aureliano-Sousa, Gisele Milka; Souza-Torres-de Araújo, Kydja Milene; Bezerra-de Melo, Givânya
| | | | · Relationship between working conditions and health-related quality of life of nursing and medical staff in Intensive Care Units during the COVID 19 pandemic in Santa Marta, Colombia Canova-Barrios, Carlos J; Ramos-de la Cruz, Ediltrudis; Álvarez-Miño, Lidice; González-Noguera, Tatiana Cecilia; Osorio-Durán, Edna Margarita
| | | | · Validation of a knowledge and attitude instrument for nurses for the prevention of the diabetic foot Sarmiento-Luna, Flor Beatriz; Nava-Navarro, Vianet; Báez-Hernández, Francisco Javier; Morales-Nieto, Arelia; Blanco-Álvarez, Víctor Manuel
| | | | · Perception of the nursing staff about the culture and patient safety Tello-Garcìa, María; Pérez-Briones, Nancy Griselda; Torres-Fuentes, Brenda; Nuncio-Domínguez, José Luis; Pérez-Aguirre, Diana María; Covarrubias-Solís, Irma Fabiola
| | | | · Evaluation of computed tomography and pulmonary SOFA score: relationship of findings in patients with covid-19 and mortality in ICU Martinelli, Anna Laura; Bonatto, Simonei; da Silva, Carla Luiza; Reche, Pericles Martim; Sloboda, Dyenily Alessi; Garbuio-Cavalheiro, Ana Paula
| | | | · Standardization of the Semantic Memory Evaluation Battery (EMSEA) in institutionalized elderly adults of Lima Livia-Segovia, José; Grasso, Lina; Herrera-Pino, Agnes Daniel; Ortiz-Morán, Mafalda; Benavides-Munarriz, Nicolle
| | | | · Knowledge of nurses about the intrauterine device in the context of basic health units Oliveira-Martins, Isli Maria; Paiva-Nóbrega, Maria Clara; Ebrahim-Queiroga, Verônica; da Silva-Barreto, Danyella; Rolim-de Holanda, Viviane; de Mendonça-Faustino, Waglânia
| | | | · A cultural adaptation and validation of the Self-Care Questionnaire in patients with left ventricular assist device Achury, Diana Marcela; Kato, Naoko P
| | | | · Clinical-epidemiological profile of patients with covid-19 admitted to a university hospital reference de Sousa-de Lima, Bruna Daniella; Fogaça-Rabito, Lucas Benedito; Nishikawa-Yagi, Mara Cristina; Giorio-Dutra-Kreling, Maria Clara; Franco-da Rocha, Aline; Eiko-Karino, Márcia
| | | | · Job preferences of the Nursing Degree students at the La Laguna University Afonso-Machado, Zaira; González-de la Torre, Héctor
| | | | · Perception of patient safety in surgical room and operating ward compared to other wards in a second-level spanish hospital Fayos-Jordán, JL; García-García, MA
| | | | · Influential risk factors in consumption of psychoactive substances in university students in times of COVID-19 Suárez-Villa, Mariela; Lastre-Amell, Gloria; Orostegui, Maria Alejandra; González-Ramírez, Dania Isabel; Tarriba-Niebles, Natalia Paola; Martinez-Montañez, Melany Julieth
| | | | · Trends in maternal mortality in the department of Córdoba - Colombia, 2008 - 2020 Ramos-Lafont, Claudia Patricia; Montenegro-Martínez, Gino
| | | | · Health profile of newborns admitted to a conventional neonatal intermediate care unit Valcacer-Fônseca, Brenda Amelia; Freitas-Nascimiento, Marcelo Victor; Antunes-de Araujo Filho, Augusto Cezar; da Cunha-Soares, Yndiara Kássia; de Oliveira-Gouveia, Márcia Teles
| | | | · Impact on chronic patients in a basic health zone of Toledo in the COVID-19 pandemic Gómez-Escalonilla-Lorenzo, Soledad; Susín-López, Daniel; Santiago-Subiela, Xaime; Notario-Pacheco, Blanca
| | | Reviews | | | | · The usefulness of complementary therapies in pain management during childbirth: an integrative review Palet-Rodríguez, Margarita; Torrubia-Pérez, Elisabet
| | | | · The most unmet needs on gynecological and breast cancer survivors, a systematic review Nasution, Lina Anisa; Afiyanti, Yati; Ma'rifah, Atun Raudotul
| | | | · Teaching and learning methods for nursing students on nutrition: scoping review Yust-Muñoz, Sergio; Zarandona-Calvo, Jagoba; Arrúe-Mauleón, Marta; Gravina-Alfonso, Leyre
| | | | · Oral hygiene care to the orotracheally intubated patient: influencing factors. Systematic review Cabrita-Xavier, Tânia Filipa; Correia-de Melo, Filipe; Mendes-Pinto-Marques, Maria do Céu
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