| Table of contents Rev Clin Med Fam vol.2 n.4 Barcelona Jun. 2008 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · And about Smoking: can we do more? Villena Ferrer, Alejandro
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Patient's information and participation in decision making in the emergency service in primary care Tardáguila Lobato, Mª del Pilar; Méndez Pérez, Carmen Laura; Torres Vélez, José Carlos; Méndez García, Teresa; Benito Martín, Beatriz; Lopez de Castro, Francisco
| | | | · Association between different measures of body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in the adult population Franquelo Morales, Pablo; Serrano Martínez, Sandra; Moya Martínez, Pablo; Buendía Bermejo, Jesús; Sánchez López, Mairena; Solera Martínez, Montserrat; Notario Pacheco, Blanca
| | | | · Sleep quality in healthcare professionals in two health areas in Castilla-La Mancha Díaz-Campo García-Carpintero, Yolanda; Díaz-Campo García-Carpintero, Cristina; Puerma Castillo, Carmen; Viedma Lloreda, Mª Nieves; Aulet Ruiz, Alberto; Lázaro Merino, Eloisa; Fernández Rodríguez, Olga Mª
| | | | · Epidemiological study of obesity and excess weight in a pediatric population in a rural setting in Castilla-La Mancha Arias López, Isabel; Cabrerizo Martínez, José; Franco Valero, Julia; León Martín, Antonio Alberto
| | | Special Articles | | | | · A career in medicine from a clinical physicians perspective Gérvas Camacho, Juan
| | | | · Autobiographical memory and training in life review as a method of mood improvement Navarro Bravo, Beatriz; Latorre Postigo, Jose Miguel; López-Torres Hidalgo, Jesús; Andrés Pretel, Fernando
| | | | · Educational experience with the expert patient Molina Escribano, Francisca; Castaño Moreno, Encarna; Massó Orozco, Javier
| | | A patient with... | | | | · Headache from hypotension of cerebrospinal fluid Rodríguez de Castro, Amparo; Miñambres Mateos, Javier; Tello Martínez, José; Tello Fustel, Cristina
| | | | · Nursing bottle caries Molina Escribano, Antonia; López Garví, Antonio J.; López Ibáñez, Catalina; Sáez Cuesta, Úrsula
| | | | · Acute necrotising pancreatitis by ascaris lumbricoides Albal García, Arancha; Segura Luque, Juan Carlos; Gómez Ramírez, Santiago; Martínez Sánchez, Miguel Ángel; Polo Romero, Francisco Javier; Moreno Salcedo, Julio Manuel; Beato Pérez, José Luis
| | | | · Hypertension secondary to Cushing syndrome Rodríguez del Río, Francisco Javier; Bravo Morales, Macarena; Portillo Sánchez, José; Martín Dávila, Francisco
| | | | · Cardiac headache Ayuso Raya, Mª Candelaria
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia is three years old Villena Ferrer, Alejandro
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