| Table of contents Rev Clin Med Fam vol.8 n.1 Barcelona Feb. 2015 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Patient safety culture in Primary Health Care Torijano Casalengua, María Luisa
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Frequency of constipation in primary care patients Navarro Ruiz, M.ª Soledad; Llanos Val Jiménez, Carmen; García Atienza, Eva; Moreno de la Rosa, Lorena; Copete, María Flores; Chávez Tafur, Katia; López-Torres López, Jaime
| | | | · Changes in the metabolic control of type 2 diabetic patients in a health center Domínguez Sánchez-Migallón, Pedro
| | | | · Domestic violence and risk factors in women of African descent of the city of Cartagena Díaz Cárdenas, Shyrley; Arrieta Vergara, Katherine Margarita; González Martínez, Farith
| | | Special Articles | | | | · Therapeutic appropriateness in chronic patients Orueta, Ramón; Sánchez-Oropesa, Arancha; Gómez-Calcerrada, Rosa María; Arriola, Maite; Nieto, Isabel
| | | | · Risk assessment of osteoporotic fracture Villarín Castro, Alejandro; Hernández Sanz, Azucena
| | | Family Physician's Travel Notebook | | | | · The sea Turabián Fernández, José Luís; Pérez Franco, Benjamín
| | | A patient with... | | | | · Hereditary angioedema Vives Toledo, Ramón; Sorlí Guerola, José Vicente; Sierra Santos, Lucía; García Ribes, Miguel
| | | | · Pulsatile headache Lucas Pérez-Romero, Javier; Hernández Fernández, Francisco; Lucas Pérez-Romero, Marta; González Ramírez, M.ª Belén
| | | | · Escitalopram and ventricular extrasystoles Criado-Álvarez, Juan José; González González, Jaime; Correa Martín, Silvia; Romo Barrientos, Carmen
| | | | · Psychosis and anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: a case report and literature review Landa Contreras, Ernesto; Alvites Ahumada, María del Pilar; Fortes Álvarez, José Luis; Pérez López, María de los Desamparados
| | | | · Steinert myotonic dystrophy Rosado Bartolomé, Alfredo; Sierra Santos, Lucía
| | | | · Patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: electrocardiographic abnormalities, treatment and indications for cardiac rehabilitation programs Cuenca González, Concepción; Flores Torres, Isabel; Herranz Torrubiano, Ana María; Berzal Cantalejo, María Fernanda
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Measles virus: another foreigner in the FIFA World Cup 2014 Arroyo Salgado, Bárbara; Gómez Arcila, Verónica; Buelvas Montes, Yaleyvis; Salazar Trujillo, Andrea
| | | | · The right to information in curative and voluntary medicine Blasco Igual, María
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