| Tabla de contenido Pharmacy Pract (Granada) vol.18 no.1 Redondela ene./mar. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · How many manuscripts should I peer review per year? Fernandez-Llimos, Fernando; Salgado, Teresa M; Tonin, Fernanda S; Pharmacy Practice 2019 peer reviewers
| | | | · An international series on the integration of community pharmacy in primary health care Benrimoj, Shalom I; Fernandez-Llimos, Fernando
| | | Investigación Original | | | | · Community pharmacists' recommendations for natural products for stress in Melbourne, Australia: a simulated patient study Clayton, Kevin; Luxford, Yoni; Colaci, Joshua; Hasan, Meral; Miltiadou, Rebecca; Novikova, Daria; Vlahopoulos, Dean; Stupans, Ieva
| | | | · Differences between pharmacists’ perception of counseling and practice in the era of prescription drug misuse Thornton, J Douglas; Anyanwu, Precious; Tata, Vaishnavi; Al Rawwad, Tamara; Fleming, Marc L
| | | | · Evaluation of discharge instructions among hospitalized Lebanese patients Fares, Mirella; Khachman, Dalia; Salameh, Pascale; Lahoud, Nathalie
| | | | · A naturalistic observation study of medication counseling practices at retail chain pharmacies Yande, Soham D; Masurkar, Prajakta P; Gopinathan, Suma; Sansgiry, Sujit S
| | | | · Guessability of U.S. pharmaceutical pictograms in Iranian prospective users Saremi, Mahnaz; Shekaripour, Zeinab S; Khodakarim, Soheila
| | | | · Evaluation of the effect of video tutorial training on improving pharmacy students' knowledge and skills about medication reconciliation Abu Farha, Rana K; Rashad, Mays; Hasen, Eliza; Mukattash, Tareq L; Al-Hashar, Amna; Basheti, Iman A
| | | | · Community pharmacy advanced adherence services for children and young people with long-term conditions: a cross-sectional survey study Alsairafi, Zahra; Mason, Julie; Davies, Natasha; Dennis, Molly; Pilgrim, Gabrielle; Goel, Neera; Yahyouche, Asma; Jalal, Zahraa
| | | | · Experiential education in the pharmacy undergraduate curricula in Brazil Foppa, Aline A; Martins, Gabriella A; Nascimento, Ronald F; Mesquita, Alessandra R; Mendonça, Simone A; Chemello, Clarice
| | | | · A randomized control trial assessing the effect of a pharmaceutical care service on Syrian refugees' quality of life and anxiety Alawneh, Majdoleen AL; Nuaimi, Nabeel; Abu-Gharbieh, Eman; Basheti, Iman A
| | | | · Good pharmacy practice assessment among community pharmacies in Lebanon Badro, Danielle A; Sacre, Hala; Hallit, Souheil; Amhaz, Ali; Salameh, Pascale
| | | | · Exploring Canadian pharmacy students’ e-health literacy: a mixed method study Park, Jamie Y; Min, Jason
| | | | · Impact of adherence to key performance indicators on mortality among patients managed for ischemic stroke Mohammed, Mustapha; Zainal, Hadzliana; Tangiisuran, Balamurugan; Harun, Sabariah N; Ghadzi, Siti M; Looi, Irene; Sidek, Norsima N; Yee, Keng L; Aziz, Zariah A
| | | Carta al Director | | | | · Value of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis by enoxaparin with anti-factor Xa trough concentration monitoring in surgical care Zachariah, Seeba; Al-Tamimi, Maitha; Vippadapu, Prasanna; Shenouda, Wessa; Thomas, Dixon
| | | CPPI Practice Forum | | | | · Strategies for inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) education throughout pharmacy school curricula Llayton, Chelsey K; Caldas, Lauren M
| | | International Series | | | | · Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in England Anderson, Claire; Sharma, Ravi
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