Editorial |
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| · Contra el Anteproyecto de Ley de “Protección de Vida del Concebido”
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Artículos |
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| · The non-extensive application of the functions of National Stem Cell Bank embryonic and adult cell lines when it comes to iPS: an interpretation in the light of article 3 of the Civil Code Gómez-Salvago Sánchez, Cecilia
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| · Transexuality and Transgender: a bioethical perspective Soley-Beltran, Patrícia
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| · Is there place for informed consent in treatment of psychotic patients?: a reflection on treatments of psychosis Valverde, Miguel A.; Inchauspe, José A.
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| · Eugenics, Genetics and Bioethics: historical connections and present linkages Castro Moreno, Julio Alejandro
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| · Consolidated bioethics: historical approach at 40 years of its birth Mariel Actis, Andrea; Outomuro, Delia
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| · Predictive genetics tests: a bioethical and legal reflection Azambuja Loch, Fernanda de
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| · Human Relationships and Internet Privacy: bioethical implications Silva Barbosa, Adriana; Roger Ferrari, Márcio; Narriman Silva de Oliveira Boery, Rita; Gomes Filho, Douglas Leonardo
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| · A dilemma on Deaf minority Pérez de la Fuente, Oscar
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