| Table of contents FEM (Ed. impresa) vol.17 n.2 Barcelona Jun. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · The educational challenge of The Good Physician housework Oriol-Bosch, Albert; Gual, Arcadi
| | | In memoriam | | | | · Josep Carreras Barnés (1943-2014) Palés-Argullós, Jordi
| | | Originals | | | | · Racial stereotyping and cultural competence: improving medical education Soler-González, Jorge; Rodríguez-Rosich, Antoni; Marsal-Mora, Josep Ramon; grupo AP-UDL
| | | | · Medicine and arts: an interdisciplinary course using problem-based learning in the medical programme Lee, Lilith
| | | | · Gap between the desired and achieved profile in graduates of medical career Marín, Gustavo H.
| | | | · Watch, listen and learn: an educational film for teaching physical examination skills Delás, Jordi; Penzo, Wilma; Delás, Antoni; González-Cardona, Raquel; Morcillo, César; Martín, Gemma
| | | | · Methodologies and materials in gross human anatomy learning: perceptions by digital native medical students Mompeó-Corredera, Blanca
| | | | · The experience of graduate entry students in the transition to the clinical phase: a case study Henriques, Luís; Salgueira, Ana; Sousa, Nuno; Costa, Manuel J.
| | | | · Training in communication skills according to residents' and tutors' perspective in medicine Molinuevo, Beatriz; Clèries, Xavier; Aradilla-Herrero, Amor; Nolla-Domenjó, Maria
| | | Crítica de libros | | | | · Films in Health Sciences Education: learning through moving images Icart Isern, M. Teresa; Donaghy, Kieran
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