| Table of contents FEM (Ed. impresa) vol.18 n.2 Barcelona Mar./Apr. 2015 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Guaranteeing socially accountable and sustainable faculties of medicine requires maintaining adequate levels of quality and teaching staff Rigual-Bonastre, Ricardo
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Características de las investigaciones presentadas en el Congreso Peruano de Educación Médica Bendezú-Quispe, Guido; Quispe-Colquepisco, Sarita; Acevedo-Villar, Tania; Bastidas-García, Fanny
| | | | · Deserción universitaria durante el primer año de estudios Nervi, Chabella; Rodríguez, James; Osada, Jorge
| | | Originals | | | | · University education as a risk factor for the occurrence of workplace harassment in nursing Dois-Castellón, Angelina M.
| | | | · Training in drug research and development: a ten-year experience (2002-2012) Bosch, Fèlix; Navarro, Alba; García-Martín, Laura; Baños, Josep E.
| | | | · Perceived sources of stress and academic performance of Chilean dental students Misrachi-Launert, Clara; Ríos-Erazo, Matías; Manríquez-Urbina, José M.; Burgos-Ibarra, Cristián; Ponce-Espinoza, Daniela
| | | | · Continuing medical education programme evaluation: did doctors incorporate recommended behaviors in their clinical practice? Galli, Amanda; Ageitos, M. Luisa
| | | | · Learning styles preferences from elementary school to medical postgraduate Borracci, Raúl A.; Manente, Diego; Tamini, Susana; Dvorkin, Mario; Arribalzaga, Eduardo B.; Grancelli, Hugo; Galli, Amanda
| | | | · Application of a hybrid model of problem-based learning as a strategy for assessment and the integration of 'multiple subjects' Llargués, Esteve; Herranz, Xavier; Sánchez, Lluís; Calbo, Esther; Virumbrales, Montserrat
| | | | · Oral and video-assisted debriefing in advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulation: a pilot study Luna-Villanueva, Edgar; Santos-Rodríguez, Moisés de los; Sierra Basto, Gilberto; González-Arriaga, Carlos R.; Zamora-Graniel, Fanny G.
| | | | · Promotion and health education incorporation in the undergraduate study plan in Health Science of the University of Valencia Ruano-Casado, Luisa; Ballestar-Tarín, M. Luisa
| | | | · Mini-CEX as assessment tool of clinical skills: a pilot study in medical students Baños, Josep E.; Gomar-Sancho, Carmen; Grau-Junyent, Josep M.; Palés-Argullós, Jordi; Sentí, Mariano
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