| Table of contents FEM (Ed. impresa) vol.18 n.6 Barcelona Dec. 2015 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Developing international medical education research useful for the Iberoamerican context: who is it up to? Costa, Manuel João; Palés-Argullós, Jordi
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Heterogénea producción científica estudiantil en Perú: análisis regional y propuestas Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos J.; Meza-Liviapoma, Jessica; Quispe-Juli, Cender U.; Fernández-Chinguel, José E.; Torres-Román, Junior S.
| | | | · ¿Higiea o Panacea? Gargantilla-Madera, Pedro; Arroyo-Pardo, Noelia; Pintor-Holguín, Emilio
| | | Colaboraciones | | | | · An international strategic experience for continuing professional development and its impact on primary health care Pulido, Pablo; Silva, Honorio; Oriol, Alberto; Miller, Lewis; Vedilei, Ada; Brandt, César; Thomson, Tom; Wentz, Dennis; Rondón, Roberto; Davis, Dave; Sriharan, Abi
| | | | · Guía para la definición de los perfiles competenciales profesionales Nolla-Domenjó, María; Gual, Arcadi; Pallarés, Luis; Palés-Argullós, Jordi
| | | Originals | | | | · Breaking bad news by first year residents: an exploratory study Leal-Seabra, Fátima; Costa, Manuel J.
| | | | · Influence of socio-demographic-educational variables on the academic performance of students of the Physical Therapy Degree Soto-González, Mercedes; Da Cuña-Carrera, Iria; Lantarón-Caeiro, Eva M.; Labajos-Manzanares, M. Teresa
| | | | · Adequacy of hospital admissions according to the type of physician who performs the indication for admission to an emergency room with a model of non-pyramidal supervision Guillén-Astete, Carlos; Hernández-Egido, María; Carballo-Cardona, César
| | | | · Analysis of working and teaching status of medical specialists trained in the Alicante-San Juan Medical Department, after 20 years of experience (1993-2012) Arriero-Marín, Juan M.; Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo; Márquez de Prado, Marta; García-Ortiz, Tiscar; Noblejas-Quiles, Natalia; Reolid-Pérez, Alejandra; Box-Davó, Rocío
| | | Revisión | | | | · Use of Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) in medical students Baños, Josep E.; Gomar-Sancho, Carmen; Guardiola, Elena; Palés-Argullós, Jordi
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