| Table of contents FEM (Ed. impresa) vol.24 n.6 Barcelona Dec. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Addressing the vulnerabilities of assessments in post-pandemic medical education Costa, Manuel J
| | | Colaboraciones | | | | · The active learning and the development of cognitive abilities in the academic training of health professions Durán-Pérez, Verónica D; Gutiérrez-Barreto, Samuel E
| | | | · Turning points: moments of inflection in the lives of medical students Paz Grebe, M de la; Centeno, Angel M; Galazi, M Lucía; Campos, M Soledad
| | | Originals | | | | · Psychometric properties of the University Academic Stress Questionnaire (CEAU) in a sample of Mexican medical students Fouilloux, Claudia; Amscheridam-Herrera, Schajrit E; Tafoya, Silvia A; Fouilloux-Morales, Mariana; Barragán-Pérez, Virginia
| | | | · Teaching training needs: what do physiotherapy tutors perceive? Reinoso-González, Eduardo; Parra-Ponce, Paula; Pérez-Villalobos, Cristhian
| | | | · Methodological proposal to improve the quality of a virtual learning object: an experience with personal protection equipment Olvera-Cortés, Hugo E; Argueta-Muñoz, Fernando D; Gutiérrez Barreto, Samuel E; Gutiérrez-Hernández, Laura S
| | | | · Multivariate analysis of the use of virtualized spaces by Health Sciences undergraduate students Álvarez-Vázquez, M Pilar; Álvarez-Méndez, Ana M; Bravo-Llatas, Carmen; Angulo-Carrere, M Teresa
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Hasta pronto, Dr. Marañón López-Cortacans, Germán; Pérez-García, Rosario; Pérez-García, Manuela; Pérez-García, Dolores
| | | | · Acerca de la educación en el trabajo, principio rector de la educación médica cubana Martínez-Asanza, Dachel
| | | | · Un modelo cooperativo de formación médica en pregrado como estrategia preventiva de trastornos mentales Cedillo-Balcázar, Jamil
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