| Table of contents Enferm Nefrol vol.26 n.2 Madrid Apr./Jun. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · La dieta mediterránea, una herramienta esencial para la promoción de la salud Martínez-Álvarez, Jesús Román
| | | Reviews | | | | · Analysis of complications of vascular access in hemodialysis: a systematic review Hidalgo-Blanco, Miguel Ángel; Moreno-Arroyo, Mª Carmen; Sánchez-Ortega, Mª Aurelia; Prats-Arimon, Marta; Puig-Llobet, Montserrat
| | | | · Chronic kidney disease associated with heavy metal exposure and agrochemicals in Latin America Ortega-Moctezuma, Osiris; Zárate-Pérez, Jocelyn; Alba-Alba, Corina Mariela; Jiménez-Hernández, Mario; Ramírez-Girón, Natalia
| | | Originals | | | | · Analysis of the relationship between frailty and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Peralta-Flores, Melanie Christy; Rodríguez-Zamora, María Cristina; Amato, Dante; Cabrera-Delgado, Ana Miriam
| | | | · Generativity and self-care in older adults on dialysis Seco-Lozano, Luisa; Pinazo-Hernandis, Sacramento; Domingo-Moratalla, Agustín
| | | | · Caregiver burden of individuals on dialysis and the meaning of participating in a support group: a mixed-methods study Cantillo-Medina, Claudia Patricia; Rodríguez-Vélez, María Elena; Jiménez-Moreno, Yenny Fernanda; Perdomo-Romero, Alix Yaneth; Ramírez-Perdomo, Claudia Andrea
| | | | · Perceived quality and its relationship with patient satisfaction in hemodialysis treatment in a public hospital in Peru Huaman-Carhuas, Luis; Melo-Flores, Catherine Mabel; Gutiérrez-Carranza, Marianela Dayanna
| | | | · Suffering and spiritual needs in cuban patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis Rodríguez-Ramírez, Claudia; Grau-Valdés, Yadira; Conrado-Hernández, Jany; Grau-Abalo, Jorge A
| | | Case Report | | | | · Calciphylaxis in a hemodialysis patient: a serious complication with high mortality Cardona-Blasco, María Pilar; Cahuancama-Solano, Elena Liset; Elías-Sanz, Eva
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