| Table of contents Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab vol.28 n.2 Madrid Jun. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Training and knowledge in Occupational Medicine as a cornerstone in this specialty development Vicente Herrero, Mª Teófila
| | | Original Papers | | | | · Comparative study of methods for the valoration of biological risk Contreras Velásquez, Zaida Rocío; Ramirez Leal, Pastor
| | | | · Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in the workplace. Reflections on management and classification Moreno-Arrones Quesada, Jesús; Varillas Delgado, David; Ruiz García, Manuel; Merayo-Lloves, Jesús
| | | | · Respiratory Biosecurity practiced in work environments of fourteen Peruvian cities: Pilot study Mejia, Christian R; Jimenez-Meza, Yanina; Chacon, Jhosselyn I; Meza-Santivañez, Josselyn; Charri, Julio C; Saenz, Juan J; Viera-Pachas, Rodrigo; Quispe-Colquepisco, Sarita; Verastegui-Diaz, Araseli; Cabrera-Bardales, William
| | | | · Level of knowledge on ergonomic risk in relation to symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders in health personnel Venegas Tresierra, Carlos Eduardo; Cochachin Campoblanco, Jesús Enrique
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Meningococcal infection: a case of occupational exposure and analysis of its prevention and control Salgado Balbás, Yohana; Deschamps Perdomo, Ambar
| | | | · Type 1 diabetes mellitus and night work: a case report Blanco Álvarez, Laura María; Maestre Naranjo, María Ascensión; Abad López, Ainhoa; González Espinel, Francisco Javier; Escudero López, Gabriela; Rodríguez de la Pinta, María Luisa
| | | Reviews | | | | · Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in musicians: a systematic review Burton González, Daniel Alexander; González González, Yoana; Cuña Carrera, Iria Da; Alonso Calvete, Alejandra
| | | | · Mental Health and Occupational Health. Relationships. Review, diagram and SWOT analysis for a global vision Mateos Carrasco, Elvira; Mateos Rodríguez, Jesús
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