| Table of contents Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab vol.32 n.4 Madrid Dec. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Apt / Not apt. Is this the cuestion? Serrano, Carmen
| | | Original Papers | | | | · Special program of health examinations for workers with persistent COVID-19 at INGESA-Ceuta García López, Jorge; Domínguez Padilla, María; Blanco Castro, Ana; Perea Perea, Irene; García Pérez, Marta; Domínguez Fernández, Julián Manuel
| | | | · Factors associated with disorders of the mental sphere in health personnel in the peruvian amazon at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic Bonilla-García, Milena; Ciudad-Fernandez, Luis; Armada, Jose; Mejia, Christian R
| | | | · Work-related accident rates at a metropolitan Lima hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic: a behavioral analysis Huapaya Caña, Yessenia; Gomero-Cuadra, Raúl; Pinto Llerena, Ricardo; Armada, Jose; Mejia, Christian R
| | | | · Estimation of aging in the working population and relationship with psychophysical health and working conditions Fernández Rodríguez, Asunción Mª; Rueda Garrido, Juan Carlos; López Serrano, Rafael; López González, Ángel Arturo; Vicente-Herrero, Mª Teófila
| | | | · Cross−sectional study. Low back pain and ergonomic measures in office workstations Molina Aragonés, Josep Mª; Medina Lavela, José Antonio; Miranda Villalba, Isabel; Vizcarro Sanagustín, David; López Pérez, Cristóbal
| | | Reviews | | | | · Changing the level of ergonomic risk in forced postures and repetitive movement by redesigning the blowing machine for plastic bottles Flores Guillén, Raúl Danny; Palomino Baldeón, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on occupational stress in police officers: a systematic review Olaya López, Ángela María; Benavides Ríos, Andrea Patricia; Delgado Fonseca, Jesús Antonio; García Belinchón, Laura
| | | | · Identification of biomarkers during health surveillance in professionals exposed to xylene and methanol. Systematic review. Rodríguez Rocha, Jezabel; Mollov, Asan; Mallen Díaz de Terán, Belén; Bravo Vallejo, Begoña; Pérez de Albéniz Andueza, M Mar; Fernández Arellano, Rosa; Asenjo Redín, Belén
| | | Clinical Case | | | | · Post-covid or persistent covid syndrome, temporary disability situations, case study, work disability assessment protocol. Vicente Pardo, José Manuel; López-Guillén García, Araceli
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