logo of the journal Anales de Psicología

ISSN 0212-9728 - printed version
ISSN 1695-2294 - online version




Basic information

Anales de Psicología is a journal that publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers covering all aspects related to basic and applied scientific psychology.

Anales de Psicología is a journal published by Murcia University Press since 1984 with a biannually basis, but since 2001 it is published quaterly (in January, May and October).

The journal has also an electronic version available at Murcia University webpage (http://revistas.um.es/analesps/) with full free access to articles since vol. 1 (1984).

Its abbreviated title is An. psicol. and should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references and strips.


Indexed in

  • ISOC
  • Scopus
  • WOS
  • PIO
  • RedAlyC



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1. The Publications Service of the University of Murcia (the publisher) retains the property rights (copyright) of published works, and encourages and enables the reuse of the same under the license specified in paragraph 2.

2. The works are published in the online edition of the journal under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Spain (by-sa 4.0.).

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3. Conditions of self-archiving. Is allowed and encouraged the authors to disseminate electronically pre-print versions (version before being evaluated) and / or post-print (version reviewed and accepted for publication) of their works before publication, as it encourages its earliest circulation and diffusion and thus a possible increase in its citation and scope between the academic community. RoMEO Color: Green. Dulcinea)

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Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de la Region of Murcia (Spain)

Faculty and Departments of Psychology (University of Murcia, Spain)


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