logo of the journal Anales de Psicología

ISSN 0212-9728 - printed version
ISSN 1695-2294 - online version



Adquisition of the journal

Anales de Psicología maintains an exchange system with other psychology magazines and publications in the world. Through a free exchange agreement with their respective publishers or entities responsible for their edition, said magazines and publications are received at the University of Murcia ("Luis Vives" Library, near the Faculty of Psychology) and in exchange, our magazine is sent to the libraries or educational and research centers of said institutions responsible for its publication.


La versión online SciELO online version is available through FAPESP/BIREME methodology for electronic journals. Nowadays, it is free and allows you to access to all online material.


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© 2020 Murcia University Press

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C/ Actor Isidoro Máiquez, 9
30007 Murcia (Spain)
Telf.: +34 868 88 30 11
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