ISSN 1698-4447 - print version ISSN 1698-6946 - electronic version |
Two possibilities:
1. Internet. Submission via e-mail. -The submission will include: 2.- By mail.
Prof. José V. Bagán - MEDICINA ORAL -The submission will include: Once articles have been accepted following approval by reviewers, they should be translated into SPANISH. All articles will be published both in English and Spanish. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal will publish contributions addressing clinicopathological as well as medical or surgical management aspects of diseases affecting oral mucosa, salivary glands, maxillary bones, and temporomandibular joints, as well as orofacial neurological disorders, neck and facial pathology, and systemic conditions with an impact on the oral cavity. Articles discussing medical problems in Odontology will also be included, with a special focus on the clinicoodontological management of medically compromised patients, and considerations regarding highrisk or disabled patients. Finally, articles on oral surgical procedures will also be accepted. Within the table of contents, articles will be included in four different categories: Oral Medicine and Pathology,Odontology for the disabled and special patient, Oral Surgery and Neck and Facial Pathology. Authors should indicate the category they wish their article to be included in, although the Editor may change this upon advice from reviewers. Articles received will always undergo revision by a committee of experts. Only original articles will be accepted, authors being responsible for the meeting of this regulation. Authors are also responsible for all opinions, results and conclusions contained in articles, which will not necessarily be shared by the journal’s Editor and reviewers. All accepted articles become the property of Medicina Oral S.L., and their date of reception and acceptance will be reflected; thus, their subsequent publication in other media is not allowed without written permission by the Editor. Authors will transfer IN WRITING the copyright of their contributions to Medicina Oral S.L. |
1. Letters to the Editor The articles will include: 1. Research articles: Analytical investigations such as cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, cohort studies and controlled clinical trials will be recommended for publication. For clinical trials, authors must specify legal permissions obtained. Articles should not exceed 12 pages (including references) in DIN A-4 format, 30 lines per page. Not more than three figures and two tables should be included; up to 30 references. 2. Review articles: Articles of special interest and those entailing an update on any of the topics identified as subjects for this journal will be accepted. They should not exceed 12 pages (references included) in DIN A-4 format, with 30 lines per page. They should contain a maximum of three figures and two tables per article; up to 30 references. 3. Case reports: One or more special interest case reports may be included. They should not exceed 6 pages (references included) in DIN A-4 format, with 30 lines per page. A maximum of three figures and one table may be included in each report; up to 30 references.
Articles will be published both in SPANISH and in ENGLISH. However, manuscripts should be sent only in English for assessment by reviewers. Once accepted for publication, English originals will be translated into SPANISH Articles should include the following: 1. First page: This should include the article’s title, as well as a running title, the authors’ full name and academic post, and an address for correspondence, including telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. 2. Second page: Only the title for the article should be included. Neither this nor the following pages should include authors’ names. 3. Following pages: These in turn will include the following headings, according to the type of contribution (research articles, review articles or case reports): Research articles — Summary, containing 150-300 words ALWAYS structured as: objectives, study design, results and conclusions.- Key words.- Introduction.- Material and methods: specifying statistical procedures used.- Results.-Discussion.- References. Review articles — Summary: containing 150-300 words.- Key words.- Main text, which should when possible be made up of the following paragraphs: Concept, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical picture, Complementary explorations, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Management.- References. Case reports — Summary: containing 150-300 words.- Key words.- Introduction.- Case reports.- Discussion.- References. Example: Authors numbering six or less should all be quoted; when more authors are present, first six names will be quoted, followed by et al.
REFERENCES should be numbered consecutively in order of
appeareance, being quoted between parentheses in the text. Unpublished
observations and personal communications should not be included as
references. The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to
Biomedical Journals format is required throughout (Ann Inter Med
1997;126:36-47). — Articles in journals: Holmstrup P. The controversy of a premalignant potential of oral lichen planus is over. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1992;7:704-6. — Books: Esplugues J, Morcillo EJ, de Andrés-Trelles F, eds. Farmacología en clínica dental. Barcelona: J. R. Prou Editores; 1993. p. 431-49. — Book chapters: Cortijo J, Morcillo EJ. Terapéutica farmacológica de las infecciones orales. In: Esplugues J, Morcillo EJ, de Andrés-Trelles F, eds. Farmacología en clínica dental. Barcelona: J. R. Prous Editores; 1993. p. 209-34. |
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