logo of the Journal of Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism

ISSN 1889-836X - printed version
    ISSN 2173-2345 - online version



Subscription to the journal

  • The sucription rates of the paper version are:

    • Spain ......................... 50 €

    • European Union ............ 60 €

    • Rest of the world .......... 70 €

  • To formalize the suscription to the paper version, please emailed to the address: romm@ibanezyplaza.com

  • Note: the paper version is published only in Spanish, and distributed by mail to SEIOMM partners and subscribers of the magazine.

  • SciELO online version is available through FAPESP/BIREME methodology for electronic journals. Nowadays, it's free and allows you to access to all online material.


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C/ Velázquez, 10 (1st floor)
28001 - Madrid (Spain)
Telf. (+34) 648 949 755
