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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


RUBIO-GIL, E. et al. On the dorsal penile nerve pulsed radiofrecuency: effective treatment for refractory pudendal neuralgia. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2016, vol.23, n.3, pp.141-144. ISSN 1134-8046.

Pudendal neuralgia is defined as a neuropathic pain syndrome, involving the dermatome and motor innervation of the pudendal nerve. Any point in its journey, from its origin to its terminal branches, is susceptible to varying levels of damage or injury. The location may be perineal pain, rectal or clitoral/penis area, presenting unilateral or bilateral. It is aggravated by sitting and diminishes or disappears when standing; usually respects people's sleep and may be associated with urinary or anal dysfunction, and even sex. There are multiple causes that can lead to involvement of the pudendal nerve, such as births, falls, direct hits and pelvic surgeries. This disease is a relatively common condition in chronic pain units. There are several therapies used, including drugs, pudendal nerve blocks, decompressive spinal surgery and neuromodulation posterior columns. We report the case of a patient who, after undergoing radical prostatectomy, chronic pain consulted by continuous burning pain with lancinating type crisis penis right (territory of the pudendal) distal part and in which we apply on the nerve pulsed radiofrequency right dorsal penile obtaining a good result. There are several authors who have published successful treatments with pulsed radiofrequency to treat pudendal neuralgia of the nerve, but so far has not published any articles of pulsed radiofrequency of the dorsal nerves of the penis.

Keywords : Pudendal neuralgia; pulsed radiofrequency treatment; pudendal nerve.

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