| Table of contents Arch. zootec. vol.60 n.232 Córdoba Dec. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Originals | | | | · Phytase levels in rations for finishing pigs Lozano, A.P.; Pacheco, G.D.; Silva, C.A.; Bridi, A.M.; Silva, R.A.M.; Vinokurovas, S.L.; Dalto, D.B.; Tarsitano, M.A.; Agostini, P.S.
| | | | · Estimation of genetic parameters for milk yield in lactations of Mambí Cuban cows Hernández, A.; Ponce de León, R.; Guerra, D.; García, S.M.
| | | | · Diurnal intake behavior of Girolanda cows at different stocking rates Silva, A.M.; Modesto, E.C.; Lira, C.C.; Santos, M.V.F.; Brasil, L.H.A.; Lira, M.A.; Dubeux Júnior, J.C.B.; Mello, A.C.L.
| | | | · Bayesian analysis for the index scrotal circumference/weight on Nellore animals born in the Tocantins State, Brazil Marcondes, C.R.; Araújo, R.O.; Vozzi, P.A.; Gunski, R.J.; Garnero, A. del V.; Lôbo, R.B.
| | | | · Margins and comercialization channels of añejo cheese in Zacazonapan, Mexico Rebollar Rebollar, S.; Hernández Martínez, J.; González Razo, F.J.; García Martínez, A.; Albarrán Portillo, B.; Rojo Rubio, R.
| | | | · Ingestive behavior of ewes submitted or not to nutritional restriction during pregnancy Benevides, Y.I.; Campos, W.E.; Rodriguez, N.M.; Macedo Junior, G.L.; Borges, I.; Ferreira, M.I.C.; Brito, T.S.; Pires, C.P.
| | | | · Intake, digestibility and blood parameters of lambs fed diets with palm kernel Nunes, A.S.; Oliveira, R.L.; Borja, M.S.; Bagaldo, A.R.; Macome, F.M.; Jesus, I.B.; Silva, T.M.; Barbosa, L.P.; Garcez Neto, A.F.
| | | | · Glutamine and nucleotide supplementation in broiler diets in alternative breeding system Zavarize, K.C.; Sartori, J.R.; Pelícia, V.C.; Pezzato, A.C.; Araujo, P.C.; Stradiotti, A.C.; Madeira, L.A.
| | | | · Validation of mathematical models for prediction of voluntary consumption and weight gain of beef cattle Rezende, P.L.P.; Neto, M.D.F.; Restle, J.; Fernandes, J.J.R.; Pádua, J.T.; Queiroz, G.A.B.
| | | | · Nutritional value and structural characteristics of tropical grasses under nitrogen fertilization Castagnara, D.D.; Mesquita, E.E.; Neres, M.A.; Oliveira, P.S.R.; Deminicis, B.B.; Bamberg, R.
| | | | · Determination of methane production in goats fed different cereal diets López, M.C.; Ródenas, L.; Piquer, O.; Cerisuelo, A.; Cervera, C.; Fernández, C.
| | | | · Combining abilities of growth traits among pure and crossbred meat type chickens Adebambo, A.O.; Ikeobi, C.O.N.; Ozoje, M.O.; Oduguwa, O.O.; Adebambo Olufunmilayo, A.
| | | | · Evaluation of the primary productivity of temperate grassland in Santa Fe, Argentina Martín, B.; Galleano, V.; Spiller, L.C.; Vilche, M.S.; Montico, S.
| | | | · Milk net energy and performance of calves from Aberdeen Angus primiparous cows Lemes, J.S.; Pimentel, M.A.; Brauner, C.C.; Moraes, J.C.F.
| | | | · Genetic characterization of three Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) strains Lupchinski Jr., E.; Vargas, L.; Lopera-Barrero, N.M.; Ribeiro, R.P.; Povh, J.A.; Gasparino, E.; Gomes, P.C.; Braccini, G.L.
| | | | · Digestibility and ruminal parameters in beef cattle fed palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu) Queiroz, M.F.S.; Berchielli, T.T.; Morais, J.A.S.; Messana, J.D.; Malheiros, E.B.; Ruggieri, A.C.
| | | | · Control of ovarian follicular dynamics in early postpartum llama (Lama glama) Cancino, A.K.; Aller, J.F.; Rebuffi, G.; Alberio, R.H.
| | | | · Oocyte recovery and in vitro production from cows stimulated with either FSH or ECG Ribeiro, L.V.P.; Rigolon, L.P.; Cavalieri, F.L.B.; Seko, M.B.; Martinez, A.C.; Ribeiro, M.G.; Martins, R.R.; Ávila, M.R.; De Conti, J.B.
| | | | · Chemical composition and fermentative characteristics of sugar cane silages containing babassu meal Rezende, A.A.S.; Pascoal, L.A.F.; Van Cleef, E.H.C.B.; Gonçalves, J.S.; Olszevski, N.; Bezerra, A.P.A.
| | | | · Production, chemical composition and chlorophyll index of Brachiaria spp. after the intercrop with corn Pariz, C.M.; Andreotti, M.; Bergamaschine, A.F.; Buzetti, S.; Costa, N.R.; Cavallini, M.C.
| | | | · Effect of the use of enzymatic complex in diets for broilers Cardoso, D.M.; Maciel, M.P.; Passos, D.P.; Silva, F.V.; Reis, S.T.; Aiura, F.S.
| | | | · Early weaning in beef cows treated with intravaginal progesterone and their reproductive performance Vittone, J.S; Aller, J.F.; Otero, G.; Scena, C.; Alberio, R.H.; Cano, A.
| | | | · Growth performance and digestibility of feedlot Zebu steers fed yeast and monensin Gomes, R.C.; Antunes, M.T.; Silva, S.L.; Leme, P.R.
| | | | · Relations among the subjective and computer-assisted variables of ram sperm motility Bravo, J.A.; Montanero, J.; Calero, R.; Roy, T.J.
| | | | · Evaluation of cold water and vitamin C on broiler growth during hot-dry season in sw Nigeria Abioja, M.O.; Osinowo, O.A.; Smith, O.F.; Eruvbetine, D.; Abiona, J.A.
| | | | · Development of the digestive tract of broilers fed diets containing sweet potato meal Nunes, J.K.; Gonçalves, F.M.; Dallmann, H.M.; Gentilini, F.P.; Anciuti, M.A.; Rutz, F.; Maier, J.C.; Silva, J.G.C. da
| | | | · Discriminant analysis of sexual dimorphism in morphological traits of African Muscovy ducks Yakubu, A.
| | | | · Predicting equations for tisular composition in carcass of two Canary sheep breeds Camacho, A.; Pérez, V.; Mata, J.; Bermejo, L.A.
| | | | · Rural women management in the northeastern Brazilian semiarid Vidal, D.L.
| | | | · Typological diversity of feminine rural work in the Brazilian semi-arid Vidal, D.L.
| | | | · Enzyme activities of tadpoles of bullfrogs fed diets containing different levels of crude protein Seixas Filho, J.T. de; Oliveira, M.G.A.; Navarro, R.D.; Garcia, S.L.R.; Moura, G. de S.; Ribeiro Filho, O.P.
| | | | · Origin of Cuban Creole cattle inferred by patri- and matrilineages Lirón, J.P.; Acosta, A.; Rogberg-Muñoz, A.; Uffo, O.; Posik, D.M.; García, J.; Peral García, P.; Giovambattista, G.
| | | | · Hip height, milk production and reproductive performance in dairy cows raised under grazing Marini, P.R.; Charmandarian, A.; Krupick, M.; Di Masso, R.J.
| | | | · Phosphorus fertilization and arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation in culture of mixed forages Carneiro, R.F.V.; Martins, M.A.; Araújo, A.S.F.; Nunes, L.A.P.L.
| | | | · Performance of Carassius auratus with different food strategies in water recirculation system Moreira, R.L.; Da Costa, J.M.; Teixeira, E.G.; Moreira, A.G.L.; De Moura, P.S.; Rocha, R.S.; Vieira, R.H.S.F.
| | | | · Genetic diversity of brazilian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using DNA microsatellites Marques, J.R.F.; Martínez, A.M.; Costa, M.R.; Albuquerque, M.S.M.; Quiroz, J.; Vega-Pla, J.L.; Delgado, J.V.
| | | | · Fermentation and nutritive value of elephant grass silage inoculated with Streptococcus bovis Ferreira, D.J.; Zanine, A.M.; Santos, E.M.; Lana, R.P.; Silva, W.L.; Souza, A.L.; Pereira, O.G.
| | | | · Efficiency of feed supplementation for nile tilapia using exponential growth model García, F.; Santos, V.B.; Moraes, F.R.
| | | | · Feeding frequency and night lighting and feedlot heifers performance during summer Avendaño, L.; Alvarez, F.D.; Correa, A.; Torrentera, N.G.; Torres, V.; Ray, D.E.
| | | | · Osmolarity of activator and dilution rate in the activation of cryopreserved semen of curimba (Prochilodus lineatus) Felizardo, V.O.; Murgas, L.D.S.; Navarro, R.D.; Gonçalves, A.C.S.; Paulino, M.S.
| | | | · Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) semen characteristics on equatorial latitude Vieira, M.J.A.F.; Carvalho, M.A.M.; Salmito-Vanderley, C.S.B.; Salgueiro, C.C. de M.; Viveiros, A.T.M.; Moura, A.A.A.N.; Nunes, J.F.
| | | | · Prediction of protein fractioning of Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu through Artificial Neural Networks Brennecke, K.; Tech, A.R.B.; Arce, A.I.C.; Luz, P.H.C.; Herling, V.R.; Costa, E.J.X.
| | | | · Characteristics of production of buffel grass as function of cutting intensity and frequency Edvan, R.L.; Santos, E.M.; Da Silva, D.S.; De Andrade, A.P.; Costa, R.G.; Vasconcelos, W.A.
| | | | · Morphostructural variability of Blackbelly sheep in Campeche, Mexico Dzib, C.A.; Ortiz de Montellano, A.; Torres-Hernández, G.
| | | | · Sanitary and nutritional characterization of honeybee colonies in Eucalyptus grandis plantations Invernizzi, C.; Santos, E.; García, E.; Daners, G.; Di Landro, R.; Saadoun, A.; Cabrera, C.
| | | Nota Breve | | | | · Dairy farming in the Asturias Region (Spain) Barrio de Pedro, J.C.
| | | | · Integrity of membrane and sperm chromatin in bucks with and without scrotal bipartition Salviano, M.B.; Souza, J.A.T.; Vidigal, K.F.; Cavalcante, T.V.; Sarria-Perea, J.A.; Lopes, F.B.
| | | | · Circadian variation in locomotor and feeding periods of two land snail species Ademolu, K.O.; Jayeola, O.A.; Idowu, A.B.; Elemide, I.O.
| | | | · Pedigree analysis of the canine breed Cimarron Uruguayo Martínez, M.; Armstrong, E.; Gagliardi, R.; Llambí, S.
| | | | · In vitro maturation of bovine granulosa cells for steroid hormone production Smith, O.F.; Ogunsola, A.A.; Ladokun, A.O.; Ajadi, T.A.
| | | | · Rate of PGF2α -synchronized ovulation and follicular dynamics in criollo lechero tropical cows Guerrero, H.L.J.; Pérez-Hernández, P.; López-Ortiz, S.; Montiel Palacios, F.; Estrella-García, A.; Ahuja Aguirre, C.
| | | | · Effect of alimentary regimes on body weight and reproductive parameters of native goats Nogueira, D.M.; Voltolini, T.V.; Moreira, J.N.; Lopes Júnior, E.S.; Oliveira, V.G. de
| | | | · Allele and genotype frequency of DGAT1 gene in a cattle population Silva, S.C.C.; Vesco, A.P.; Luizzeti, F.; Gasparino, E.; Bagatoli, A.; Marques, L.A.; Voltolini, D.S.M.; Oliveria, D.P. de; Souza, K.R.S.
| | | | · Reproductive performance of beef heifers exposed to different bioestimulation treatments Menezes, L.M.; Brauner, C.C.; Pimentel, M.A.; Moraes, J.C.F.; Amaral, F.A.
| | | | · Productive characterisation of a goat breed: study of growth and CSN1S1 gene polymorphism Vidilla, M.; Ferrando, A.; Villalba, D.; Jordana, J.
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